enVision UTM 2025 – Strategic Plan

This Strategic document contains forward-looking statements concerning the strategic endeavours of UTM for the next five years. All forward-looking statements are statements of future expectations that are based on UTM’s (management and stakeholders) expectations and assumptions, and involve known and unknown risks and/or uncertainties that may cause the actual performance to materially differ. There are a number of strategic factors that could affect the future operations of UTM.

This Strategic document shall only be finally qualified in its entirety after receiving endorsement from the University Board of Directors (or Lembaga Pengarah Universiti, the LPU). Neither the university nor any of its campuses undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information or other information.

This Strategic document is also available at our website and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Materials containe d therein may subject to copyrights.

For any inquiry, please contact UTM Strategic Management Office (SMO), Office of the Vice Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.


About kelvin

Kelvin Kang Wee, TANG received his B. Eng. (Geomatic) (Hons.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Master of Remote Sensing & GIS from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He completed his Ph.D (Hydrography) from UTM in April 2021. Apparently, he is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM. His area of interest is in marine positioning, hydrographic surveying, hydrospatial management and imagery-derive bathymetry using satellite remote sensing approach.
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