“Exams are not a test of your knowledge, but your courage, dedication, and perseverance.”

We know you have worked hard. Stay focused, do your best, and remember – this is the last stretch before a well-deserved break. Good luck!

About kelvin

Kelvin Kang Wee, TANG received his B. Eng. (Geomatic) (Hons.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Master of Remote Sensing & GIS from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He completed his Ph.D (Hydrography) from UTM in April 2021. Apparently, he is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM. His area of interest is in marine positioning, hydrographic surveying, hydrospatial management and imagery-derive bathymetry using satellite remote sensing approach.
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