Kelvin Kang Wee, TANG | 陈康伟 | ケルビン received his B. Eng. (Geomatic) (Hons.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Graduate Diploma in Business and Finance from Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS), Master of Remote Sensing & GIS from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and obtained my Ph.D (Hydrography) from UTM.
After completing my first degree, I worked in Hydronav Services (S) Pte Ltd from 2007 to 2011. In the industry, I accumulated extensive experiences in hydrographic surveying, marine construction and offshore piling.
Starting from March 2011, I left the industry sector and joined the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM). My first appointment in the government agency was Assistant Director of Survey in Aerial Triangulation and Ground Control Points Unit, Data Acquisition Section (a.k.a CAMS) under the Mapping Division. I also served as the Assistant Director in the Defense Geospatial Division in the JUPEM’s HQ before I was transferred to Department of Survey and Mapping Johor, served as the Assistant Director of Survey in Cadastral Plan Section from 2014 to 2017.
In September 2017, I was granted a three years full-time study leave under the Public Service Department (JPA) to pursue his Ph.D, Field of Research: Hydrography in UTM. I was then attached under the GeoCoastal Research Unit, Geospatial Imaging and Information Research Group (Gi2RG) to conduct research work on imagery-derived bathymetry estimation using high-resolution spaceborne imagery. In April 2021, I successfully completed my thesis, entitled “Image-Based Multi-Zone Linear Regression Fitting Bathymetric Modelling for Mapping Coastal and Shallow Water Seabed Topography” under the supervision of Prof. Sr Dr. Mohd Razali Mahmud.
After finished my Ph.D, I was transferred to Department of Survey and Mapping Pahang. In JUPEM Pahang, I was appointed as the District Surveyor of the Southern Pahang District Region (Rompin & Pekan) from 2021 to 2023 before I joined UTM in May 2023.
Currently, I am employed as a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM. My area of interests are marine positioning, hydrographic surveying, hydrospatial management and imagery-derived bathymetry using satellite remote sensing approach. I hope I have a chance to collaborate with you and your group in the near future!