Co-authored the Malaysian SIRIM standards for Edible Bird’s Nest and Swiftlet Ranching Standards.

Pioneer and co-founder of Institute of Bioproduct Development (formally known as Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Malaysian Scientist Award and Geneva Invention and Innovation Award.

20 years experience in carrying out commercialization, productization, private and contract research and development in food processing and preservation.

Appointed as the Malaysian Subject Matter Expert for Edible Bird’s Nest and works hand in hand with the Malaysian and China government in developing the export protocol and also the EBN standard for export and regulatory purposes.

Invented numerous processes and innovated some novel products.
My Expertise
As a Senior Lecturer in School of Chemical and Energy Engineering.

Edible Bird's Nest
Edible Bird’s Nest is an incredible salivary bioproduct from swiftlets

The King of Fruits
Exploring the Nutritional Contents and Benefits of Durian

Food and Fruits Processing and Preservation
Provide consultation services in Food and Fruits Processing and Preservation.
Swiftlets are insectivorous birds classified within four genera viz. Aerodramus, Hydrochous, Schoutedenapus and Collocalia. Read more the classification of swiftlets in here.

Consultation Service
Public education on Edible Bird’s Nest is a must to avoid any misunderstanding of the Edible Bird’s Nest hence could literate the public to choose a quality product for consumption.
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Scientific Publication
Read more on scientific research published by Dr Lee Ting Hun
Contact Me
Email: leetinghun@utm.my