Innovate Johor 2019
“Excellent Innovation Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship”
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is actively involved in R&D activities and is considered to be among the top universities in Malaysia, especially in the field of technology and engineering. Interdisciplinary research is promoted through the Research Alliances (RA), Centers of Excellence (CoE) and Research Groups (RG). As part of the effort to encourage and facilitate research, development and commercialization activities, Industrial Art & Technology Exhibition (INATEX) is committed to exhibiting findings and products of the latest technology by researchers to society, in particular, the industries.
The 19th Industrial Art & Technology Exhibition (INATEX) 2019 is organized as an R&D showcase and competition of UTM inventions and innovations and it is open to the public and industries.
Interested industrial partners and potential sponsors are welcome to discuss issues regarding the commercialisation of technologies or products with the respective inventors
The event is organized with the following objectives:
- To feature the latest innovative and technologies developed by UTM researchers
- To provide a platform for interaction and promote partnership between UTM research and industry for wealth creation through innovative R&D
- To promote creativity among UTM researchers through research innovations
- To provide a platform for interactio and promote partnership beyween UTM reserach and industry for wealth
- To strengthen networking between academics, the public and industry

Poster No.1
Dr. Lee Ting Hun
An overview of beneficial in Edible Bird’s Nest.
Poster No.2
Dr. Lee Ting Hun
An industrial cleaning method was adapted and standardized process according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) For Processing Raw-Unclean and Raw-Clean Edible Bird’s Nest.

Poster No.3
Dr. Lee Ting Hun
A discovery of Edible Bird’s Nest extract in anticancer and immunoadjuvant properties.