Sesi Pertemuan Naib Canselor Bersama Staf Akademik Berumur 45 Tahun & ke Bawah
Take home message and FOR ME TO ACT ON!:
- Kita (yang berumur 45 dan ke bawah) penggerak Phase III : UTM Global Plan 2018-2020. Teruskan!
- Dah beli buku Amanat Tahun Baru NC tu ke belum? Dah beli, belum sempat baca. Inshaa ALLAH akan mula baca.
- Dapatkan, download ‘buku merah tuu’ aka Playbook Phase III : UTM Plan Global 2018-2020 & enVision UTM 2025
- Remember UTM Core Values : Remember this Acronym ISES. What does ISES stands for?
All in stand is..just do the best, STRATEGIZE, SYNERGIZE & ENJOY!
Perhimpunan Bulanan Bersama NC Mac 2018
- Launching of the UTM Smart Mobile App
- Boost Mobile App online payment using QR Code for Digital Campus.
Slaid pembentangan boleh di muat turun di sini.
Teaching Portfolio
Minggu lepas saya dapat 2 mesej daripada 2 orang sahabt saya dari Fakulti Komputeran untuk berkongsi Teaching Portfolio saya.
Semasa memohon kenaikan pangkat ke Profesor Madya, calon dikehendaki menghantar Teaching Portfolio. Kali pertama saya belajar dan menyediakan Teaching Portfolio adalah ketika saya menjalani Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan 3 (PTK3). So saya namakan Version 1 (2008). Untuk tujuan permohonan PM, saya telah kemaskini portfolio yang diberi nama Versi 2 (Nov 2015).
Alhamdulillah, kedua-dua orang sahabat saya dari Fakulti Komputeran beri feedback yang mereka suka membaca Teaching Portfolio saya tersebut. Maka saya rasa, ada baiknya saya berkongsi di sini.
It might not be the best, but hope it inspires you 😉
Di sini saya attach 3 fail:
Tarikh : 6 Mac 2018
Tempat: Bilik Viva 2, SPS
Masa (yang dijadualkan) : 4.00 – 4.45 petang
Kali pertama menjadi penilai TRGS sejak dianugerahkan Prof. Madya. TRGS iaitu Transdisciplinary Research Grat Scheme adalah merupakan penyelidikan asas dan eksploratori yang boleh menghasilkan teori, konsep dan idea baru demi perkembangan ilmu (berdasarkan garis panduan TRGS KPT). Penyelidikan dipayungi oleh sebuah program dan mengandungi beberapa projek. Projek-projek yang dicadangkan perlulah daripada minimum 3 kluster daripada yang tersenarai berikut:
- Sains Tulen dan Gunaan (Pure and Applied Sciences)
- Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan (Technology and Engineering)
- Sains Kesihatan dan Klinikal (Clinical and Health Sciences)
- Sains Sosial (Social Sciences)
- Sastera dan Sastera Ikhtisas (Arts and Applied Arts)
- Warisan Alam dan Budaya (Natural and Cultural Heritage)
- Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (Information and
Communication Technology)
Program yang dinilai bertajuk :“Efficacy Model of Property Management Business Strategy”. Alhamdulillah, belajar new things from fellow Penilai Prof Madya Dr Ibrahim Atan @ Sipan dari Fakulti Geoinformasi & Harta Tanah. Semoga feedback yang diberi kepada Penyelidik berkenaan beroleh manfaat dan berjaya dianugerahkan TRGS.
Rekod: Emal Lantikan
MRT CORP – UTM MOU Discussion
Salah satu agenda hari ini ialah menjalankan peranan sebagai Associate Member kepada Building Information Modeling Center for Digital Innovations and Solutions (BIMCDIS).
Mesyuarat diadakan di MRT Corp seperti berikut:
Congratulations Deborah!
Deborah’s Viva
Thesis Title: E-commerce Implementation Process Framework for Business to Customer Malaysian SMEs
Date : 28 February 2018
Venue: Bilik Kualiti Pejabat Akademik, N28a, Faculty of Computing
Time: 9:00 am
External Examiner : Prof. Dr. Rusli Hj. Abdullah
Business Plan Development and Pitching Workshop
Today’s activity: The Researcher and Innovator Hat
Date: 21 February 2018
Venue: ICC Main Hall
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Morning session:
- Sharing session by Dr Iskandar Illyas the founder of HolisticsLab a UTM Spin Off company who developed the QuikHalal Apps.
- Sharing on tips and methods of pitching by Associate Professor Dr Siti Hamidah the founder of Naturel Kiss
- Associate Professor Dr Siti Hamidah shared two Pitching Tools namely: the NABC method and VOICE method:
Some important lessons learnt from these two Sifus are:
Afternoon Session:
Business Plan development guidance by Prof Dr Rohaizat from the Faculty of Management.
The 1-day workshop is to get those who wish to apply the ‘Dana Pembangunan Prototaip’ ready for pitching session. Inshaa ALLAH next is the REAL pitching session on the 26th February 2018.
ISSI RG Meeting 1/2018
Date: 19 February 2018
Venue: Bilik Perbincangan Utama, N28a, Faculty of Computing
Time: 10 am – 4 pm
- This is the first meeting for ISSI RG after our Strategic Planning Workshop that we conducted on 12th November 2018.
- One of the agenda was to get ISSI RG members involved in the High Impact Research program which includes 6 projects. The project leaders were welcomed to introduce themselves and their respective research group. Then, followed by the explanation of their project.
- Out of the 6 projects, I decided to join the Assessment group led by Dr Habibah from the Faculty of Education due to my interest in online assessments since the year 2000 when doing my MSc dissertation. In addition, I am currently in the process enhancing a prototype called Computer Assisted Problem Based Learning Assessment Tool (CAPBLAT). Alhamdulillah for this opportunity to collaborate with other research group members.
- The second agenda was presentation and discussion with Madam Sapiah from the Smart Digital Community Research Alliance on the Trans-disciplinary Research Grant Scheme of the Ministry of Education (TRGS-KPM).
- For the third agenda, I updated ISSI RG members about the role of the Research Manager that has been appointed to researchers. I guess some of us missed the information regarding this. The implementation of Research Managers was announced in one of the Monthly Engagement with VC last year to assist researchers more closely in monitoring their research.
- UTM Research Management Center has went through major restructuring in such a way that we no more operate according to functional units such as Project Record, Research Activities, Appointments and Monitoring. Instead, we have 5 Research Managers who have been assigned Principal Investigators under their responsibilities. Do you know who is your Research Manager?
- The next critical agenda was in planning for the publication strategy for ISSI members. Which Q1 and Q2 journals should we target? A series of hands on workshops will be conducted through out the year, inshaa ALLAH. This will be led by Dr Halina and Dr Mahadi.
- Another major agenda was a meet up session withUTM Innovation and Commercialisation Centre Director Professor Dr Shahir Shamsir and Madam Azlin Abd Jamil who is the Manager for the IP Management Unit.
- Prof Shahir shared with us the innovation and commercialisation ecosystem and on how income generation can be made possible in various ways.
- One of the short term plan is to register ISSI Spin Off company very soon. Inshaa ALLAH.
- A final note, we had the Corporate Shirt measuring session. So most probably this will be the very final meeting that we wear the teal blue corporate shirt which some said looks like KLIA cleaner or TNB meter reader heheh. Corporate Shirt is no more corporate? A uniform?