Category Archives: Teaching

Discussion on Active Learning Initiatives

Discussion through Webex at 12 pm

The new semester has started and today is Week 4 of the semester.

For now all Teaching and Learning activities are conducted online up to 31 December 2020.

To ensure meaningful and effective learning, lecturers should explore opportunities and initiatives to implement classess in an active way.

In the normal face to face lecture, having 1 – 2 hours lectures are fine, as we can control the environment, but this is different in the online learning environment.

With different levels of access to network faced by students, we have to explore tools that enable us to interact with them both asynchronously and synchronously.

For the Information Systems(IS) @ AHIBS, we have started to use for example Padlet, Mentimeter and Trello.

In today’s meeting, we have discussed about our practices in teaching and setting the time for sharing regarding the use of those tools among the IS members.




Teaching Portfolio

Minggu lepas saya dapat 2 mesej daripada 2 orang sahabt saya dari Fakulti Komputeran untuk berkongsi Teaching Portfolio saya.

Semasa memohon kenaikan pangkat ke Profesor Madya, calon dikehendaki menghantar Teaching Portfolio. Kali pertama saya belajar dan menyediakan Teaching Portfolio adalah ketika saya menjalani Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan 3 (PTK3). So saya namakan Version 1 (2008). Untuk tujuan permohonan PM, saya telah kemaskini portfolio yang diberi nama Versi 2 (Nov 2015).

Alhamdulillah, kedua-dua orang sahabat saya dari Fakulti Komputeran beri feedback yang mereka suka membaca Teaching Portfolio saya tersebut. Maka saya rasa, ada baiknya saya berkongsi di sini.

It might not be the best, but hope it inspires you 😉

Di sini saya attach 3 fail:

  1. Teaching Portfolio Versi 1
  2. Teaching Portfolio Versi 2
  3. Teaching Portfolio Combined