Pandangan think-tank America tentang keperluan mewujudkan hubungan yang baik dengan Arab Saudi.

Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam and home to the faith’s two holiest places, is a country that is vital to America’s national interests and strategic concerns. It has been one of the foremost U.S. national security partners for the past eight decades – longer than any other developing nation.

If America is to be “great again,” it can and must be greater in very particular ways. One of which is to be far greater than derogatory and antagonistic rhetoric toward a country central to the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, who represent nearly a quarter of humanity.

Selain daripada untuk melunakkan keagresifan Iran dan ancaman extremist, Amerika juga kononnya cuba “melunakkan” dunia Islam dengan berbaik dengan Raja Salman.

Lawatan Trump kali ini berjaya memujuk Saudi, negara ke empat terbesar dalam perbelanjaan senjata, membeli kelengkapan tentera bernilai US$100 billion.