How The Most Successful People Manage Their Time Part2



How The Most Successful People Manage Their Time

Summary:- for the busy me 🙂

  1. Do A Time Log. See how long things take and when your best windows are.
  2. Plan Whole Week. Focus on your core competency and what makes you happy.
  3. Morning Rituals Are For Things That Don’t Have To Happen; ritual that gets you closer to your long term goal  [ Time log: check. Weekly plan: check. Morning ritual: check. What else requires some forethought? Fun !!!]
  4. Yes, You Even Need To Plan The Weekend[ 3-5 “anchor events” to make sure you’re having a good time – examples,  I’m going to go for a run on Saturday morning. I’m going to try get together with this friend on Saturday evening]
  5. Plan something fun on Sunday night < Johor, Friday or Saturday … whee >
Cute baby having fun Free Photo

Have fun gais!


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How do the most successful people manage their time? by Eric Barker

From Barking up the Wrong Tree (I sure love this guy’s blog)

Chessman is changed to the shadow of the crown. Idea concept

How do the most successful people manage their time?

Laura Vanderkam talked to a number of those people (including productivity expert David Allen and the former CEO of Pepsi) and found out their secrets.

She’s written about what she learned in a series of books:

  1. What the Most Successful People Do at Work
  2. What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
  3. What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend
  4. 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

picture courtesy of : <a href=’’>Business photo created by jcomp –</a>

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How To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple Emails (Eric Barker)

How do I find him? Catchy blog name:                                                                       “Barking up the wrong tree”                                                                                                 

Definition: to be wrong about the reason for something or the way to achieve something: She thinks it’ll solve the problem, but I think she’s barking up the wrong tree []

How To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple Emails

Summary  ~for the very busy you 🙂                                                                                               1. Happy:  Every morning send a friend, family member or co-worker an email to say thanks for something.

2. Job:   At the end of the week, send your boss an email and sum up what you’ve accomplished.

3. Growth:  Once a week email a potential mentor.

4.  Friends: Email a good friend and make plans.                                                                

5. Career: Send an email to someone you know (but don’t know very well) and check-in.


How To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple Emails




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How to Overcome Your Fear of Making Mistakes

A very good article from Harvard Business Review related to stress and psychology by Ms Alice Boyes,  re-arrangement by me for faster reading

June 24, 2020

The Covid-19 crisis and its fallout — including recession, layoffs, and uneven economic pain — as well as recent protests over police brutality and demands for racial justice, have presented many of us with challenges that we’ve not encountered before. The high-stakes and unfamiliar nature of these situations have left many people feeling fearful of missteps. No one can reduce mistakes to zero, but you can learn to harness your drive to prevent them and channel it into better decision making. Use these tips to become a more effective worrier.

i. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of your fear. 

Our culture glorifies fearlessness. The traditional image of a leader is one who is smart, tough, and unafraid. But fear, like any emotion, has an evolutionary purpose and upside. Your concern about making mistakes is there to remind you that we’re in a challenging situation. A cautious leader has value. This is especially true in times like these.

So don’t get caught up in ruminating: “I shouldn’t be so fearful.”

Don’t be ashamed or afraid of your fear of making mistakes and don’t interpret it as evidence that you’re an indecisive leader, or not bold, not visionary.

If you have a natural tendency to be prevention-focused, channel it to be bold and visionary! (If you struggle to believe this, identify leaders who have done just that by figuring out how to prevent disasters.)

ii. Use emotional agility skills. 

Fear of mistakes can paralyze people. Emotional agility skills are an antidote to this paralysis. This process starts with

a)  labelling your thoughts and feelings, such as “I feel anxious I’m not going to be able to control my customers enough to keep my staff safe.” Stating your fears out loud helps diffuse them. It’s like turning the light on in a dark room.

b) Next,  comes accepting reality. For example, “I understand that people will not always behave in ideal ways.” List off every truth you need to accept.

c) Then comes acting your values. Let’s say one of your highest values is conscientiousness. How might that value apply in this situation? For example, it might involve making sure your employees all have masks that fit them well or feel comfortable airing any grievances they have. Identify your five most important values related to decision-making in a crisis.

d) Then ask yourself how each of those is relevant to the important choices you face.

e) Repeat this process for each of your fears. It will help you tolerate the fact that we sometimes need to act when the best course of action isn’t clear and avoid the common anxiety trap whereby people try to reduce uncertainty to zero.

iii. Focus on your processes. 

Worrying can help you make better decisions if you do it effectively. Most people don’t. When you worry, it should be solutions-focused, not just perseverating on the presence of a threat.

Direct your worry towards behaviours that will realistically reduce the chances of failure.

We can control systems, not outcomes. What are your systems and processes for avoiding making mistakes?

Direct your worries into answering questions like these:

  • Is the data you’re relying on reliable?
  • What are the limitations of it?
  • How do your systems help prevent groupthink?
  • What procedures do you have in place to help you see your blind spots?
  • How do you ensure that you hear valuable perspectives from underrepresented stakeholders?
  • What are your processes for being alerted to a problem quickly and rectifying it if a decision has unexpected consequences?

iv. Broaden your thinking. 

When we’re scared of making a mistake, our thinking can narrow around that particular scenario.

Imagine you’re out walking at night. You’re worried about tripping, so you keep looking down at your feet.

Next thing you know you’ve walked into a lamp post. Or, imagine the person who is scared of flying. They drive everywhere, even though driving is objectively more dangerous. When you open the aperture, it can help you see your greatest fears in the broader context of all the other threats out there. This can help you get a better perspective on what you fear the most.

It might seem illogical that you could reduce your fear of making a mistake by thinking about other negative outcomes. But this strategy can help kick you into problem-solving mode and lessen the mental grip a particular fear has on you. A leader might be so highly focused on minimizing or optimizing for one particular thing, they don’t realize that other people care most about something else. Find out what other people’s priorities are.

v. Recognize the value of leisure.

Fear grabs us. It makes it difficult to direct our attention away. This is how it is designed to work so that we don’t ignore threats.

Some people react to fear with extreme hypervigilance. They want to be on guard, at their command post, at all times. This might manifest as behaviour like staying up all night to work.

That type of adrenalin-fueled behaviour can have short-term value, but it can also be myopic.

A different approach can be more useful for bigger picture thinking. We need leisure (and sleep!) to step back, integrate the threads of our thinking, see blindspots, and think creatively. Get some silent time.

Although much maligned, a game of golf might be exactly what you need to think about tough problems holistically.

vi. Detach from judgment-clouding noise. 

As mentioned, when people are fearful they can go into always-on monitoring mode.

You may have the urge to constantly look at what everyone else is doing, to always be on social media, or check data too frequently.

This can result in information overload. Your mind can become so overwhelmed that you start to feel cloudy or shut down.

Recognize if you’re doing this and limit over-monitoring or over checking. Avoid panicked, frenzied behaviour.

On its own, being afraid of making mistakes doesn’t make you more or less likely to make good decisions.

If you worry excessively in a way that focuses only on how bad the experience of stress and uncertainty feels, you might make do or say the wrong things.

However, if you understand how anxiety works at a cognitive level, you can use it to motivate careful but bold and well-reasoned choices.

And, finally, from me…Just go with the flow…for Muslim, let us be Redha.. (accepting fate wholeheartedly and maintain inner peace)
<a href=’’>Background vector created by freepik –</a>


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Pengaruh MALU

Media sosial sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia digital masakini. Ia boleh jadi sebagai hebahan positif atau sebaliknya. Salah satu adab yang sangat perlu dititikberatkan ialah, adab menjaga aib sendiri dan terutamanya orang lain.

Bingkisan daripada sahabat tegar buku, Saudara Ramlan Ramli. Petikan kata-kata hikmah Pak Hamka, menjentik diri akan betapa besarnya adab MALU dalam budaya Melayu, terutamanya sahsiah Muslim.

“Malu sangat besar pengaruhnya dalam mengatur pergaulan hidup.

Apa petanda sifat malu?

Malu itulah yang membuat orang berakal enggan mengerjakan perbuatan jahat.

Sebelum orang mempergunakan undang-undang, lebih dahulu orang telah dilindungi oleh hukum malu yang telah melekat di dalam budi pekerti.

Ia merasa malu namanya akan menjadi buah mulut orang.


Merasa malu kepercayaan orang akan hilang”

HAMKA, Tasauf Moden, mukasurat :  117. Perkongsian Sumber : Ramlan Ramli,  Penolong Pegawai Psikologi , Penjara Sungai Buloh.

Ramadan background | Free Vector

 1441-1442H April 2020.

Moga Bermanafaat.

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Sukarelawan : Ikhlas, Imbuhan atau Populariti?

Volunteering = kesukarelawanan

Sukarela = Suka + Rela = maksudnya kemahuan sendiri , kekuatan perasaan dan kemahuan tentang sesuatu perkara dengan tidak memperdulikan kosnya (masa, tenaga, kos, wang ringgit), tajuknya berkorban apa sahaja.


Tulisan ini merupakan Note saya di FB: Nisrin Manz., (2012). Dan, pendapat saya sehingga ke tahun 2020, masih serupa…

Cabaran Kesukarelawanan  bagi Orang Berkerjaya:-

1. kebanyakan orang masa kini bekerja SANGAT PENAT (tenaga, fikiran, perasaan) sepanjang minggu, malahan sampai ke malam  belum balik ke rumah kerana bekerja (saya salah seorang drp kelompok manusia ini).  Justeru, hari minggu sangat berharga, bukan sahaja untuk berehat malahan untuk bersama keluarga bagi menggantikan masa yang telah dihabiskan buat mencari rezeki. malahan kadang2 hari minggu pun terpaksa kerja part time untuk penambahan rezeki keluarga.


2.  manusia mengukur ‘reward’ mengikut pandangan serta pengalaman masing2. Biasanya kita akan bertanya, “what’s in for us by doing such thing?” apa yang kita dapat drp ini? apa reward kita dpt melalui ini? dsb.. (saya juga bertanya perkara ini kepada diri saya)

Bagi kelompok NGO yg saya wakili, saya FAHAM kenapa kemampuan untuk bersukarelawan tidak dapat dipenuhi atas 2  sebab utama  di atas (1+2).

Justeru itu, suka lah saya mengobarkan semangat bahawa  kesukarelawan bagi kelompok NGO yang saya wakili (2012)  adalah untuk masa hadapan anak2 kita kerana syurga mereka terletak bagaimana kita membentuk mereka sekarang.

Tuhan memberikan kita MEREKA kerana mereka adalah jalan untuk membawa kita sebagai CALON SYURGA, insya ‘allah, samada kita muslim atau pun  non-muslim.

yang paling utama,  GABUNGAN AURA semua pihak,  pasti akan membawa kita semua menuju menguatkan semangat untuk terus berjuang di dalam kejayaan  NGO yang dianggotai.


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Umar Al-Khattab dan Kebijaksanaan

” Bila di saat oranq lain dalam kegelapan, terpesona atau cemas kala melihat sesuatu kejadian,

bagi orang yang bijaksana hanya diterima dengan senyuman,

sebab dengan ilmunya ia mengetahui bahawasanya hal yang begitu mulanya, pasti begini akhirnya…”


-kata drp buku ” Ijtihad Umar Bin Khattab Dalam Penetapan Syariat Islam” Judul buku: Ijtihad Umar Bin Khattab Dalam Penetapan Syariat Islam

Penulis : Dr Muhammad Baltaji

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Post COVIDian & The New Behaviour

The Covid-19 Pandemic, has taken the world by surprise and alarms every aspect of human existence.

Despite the weakening of the economy and restlessness among the global citizen, it is interesting to observe how the people cope with the ‘crowned’ virus of 2020.

Take Malaysia for example, though the government has delayed their early intervention of the pandemic, the current actions have been inspirational and commendable by other countries.

“…ke sana ke sini…” a rap song inspired by the quote of our 8th Malaysian PM. Only just now, at 4.00 pm 10th April 2020, another cute remark by our ‘ayah’ (father) figure, “…pergi mandi’ and ‘ atuk sayang cucu’ tickled most of us. And then only, The PM announced the extension of MCO (Movement Control Order), from 15 April to 28th April 2020.

Actually, it is a brilliant action by the current government, as they chunked the movement every 2 weeks to avoid panic among people.

A blessing in disguise? Only God knows.

Malaysian carried the trademark of volunteerism and caring society. Not only the government and the front-liner, the people themselves proactively extend their support to the authorities as well as each other during this trial period.

As for the education sector; schools, private tutoring and higher institutions, we are forced to embrace online methods of teaching, drastically.

Yes, it is chaotic. Not only for the teaching team, but also for the parents  and students as well. It is like navigating through  a maze of technology. We, the educators as well as the parents, are suddenly swimming in the sea  called the Internet of Things.  We are now  ‘the Flash’ or ‘Speedy Gonzalez’ or the ‘Road Runner’ (cartoons for the Y generation), trying to learn everything and implement it without further a due. 

But, hey, Malaysian is among the heaviest users of social media. Thus, it should come easy for us to adopt the trending technology. Our ‘bawang’ rangers are among the best in Asia. It may not take too long for everyone to pick up the new learning trend.  Or, is it not??

Nevertheless, another emerging quote from  our  ‘ayah’, the 8th Prime Minister,  ’embracing the new normal’,may become the new behavioural characteristic of the post COVIDian world.

My country, Malaysia,  is indeed a mixture of unique people, colored by their never ending hilarious  and  amusing antics. 

The best dishes to describe us? The ‘ABC’ (air batu campur – ‘ the colourful Slurpee’) or ‘Rojak Asma’ (mixed salad dish with sweet and spicy peanut sauce). I am grateful to be here. Hope you are too.

Good luck my students and my fellow Univ-citizen,  May The Force be with us. 

#IamMalaysian | #IloveUTM

Preparing for Coronavirus 2019 | Baystate Health | Springfield, MA

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Speed Reading @ Sek Keb Sagil Kampung 17 Oct 2019

This gallery contains 1 photo.

A Blessed 2019 indeed. Venue : Sek Keb. Sagil Kampong, Tangkak, Muar  Date : Thursday 17 Oct 2019 Partner : CCSL UTM ;Komuniti Buku Karja Johor (KBKJ – En Isnin Tawaf) &PERBIMA (Persatuan Biblioterapi Malaysia – Wakil Johor) Teachers and … Continue reading

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Library Skill Classes

Assalamualaikum wbkh and Hello..

UTM community and anyone who is interested to learn about searching skill,  the classes can be request through here:

let us  assist you…..See u there!



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