Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy @ Environmental Engineering Lab, SKA

Instrument: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Flame & Furnace)

Model: Pin AAcle 900T AAS / Brand: Perkin Elmer


The Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) of model PinAAcle 900T located at Environmental Laboratory, School of Civil Engineering (SKA), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has the flexibility to switch between flame and furnace in seconds and its high light throughput optical system, combined with a solid-state detector, provides the highest-quality efficiency and signal-to-noise performance of any AA system in the market. In addition, it features cutting-edge fiber optics for improved detection limits and TubeView™ color furnace camera for easier auto-sampler tip alignment and sample dispensing, as well as to monitor drying and pyrolysis during analysis for simpler method development. AAS is equipped with flame, furnace, flow-injection, FIAS-furnace and mercury/hydride capabilities in a single instrument. Flame AA and Graphite Furnace can be used to analyze various metals such as silver (Ag), aluminium (Al), barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), ferum (Fe), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and many other metals. Flame AA measures the metals in part-per-million (ppm) while Graphite Furnace measure the metals in part-per-billion (ppb). FIAS-furnace that is fully automated flow-injection system can also simplifies and speeds up complex analyses such as mercury and hydride-forming elements.