New Programme Initiated – the DLS!

We refused to stay put and do nothing! We will start a new programme this month - the DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES - where we invite prominent professors around the globe to share their expertise with us and of course, the rest of the world. It is … [Continue reading]

Mediteg becomes MEDITEC!

The research group MEDITEG that I established in 2006 is now a Centre of Excellence! Alhamdulillah. The first Director is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ardiyansyah Syahrom (blue cap). He was my PhD student graduated in 2009. … [Continue reading]

First Year FE Report Card!

Handed the report card to Datuk VC on 7th July 2019, even without him asking to do so. Some of the excerpts from the report:   … [Continue reading]

Panel Forum Isra’ Mi’raj

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Dean Engagement @ Schools

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Faculty of Engineering New Entrance

The administration of the new faculty will be based in V01. Just completed the final design of the wallpaper for the entrance: This is the wall before and after: A visit from team UTMInternational with visitors from Europe: … [Continue reading]

Anugerah Tokoh Penyelidik UTM

Highest recognition as UTM's Distinguished Researcher. This achievement would not have been possible without the advice and support of many people. I would like to thank all my postgraduate students as well as MEDITEG members for making this a … [Continue reading]

Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan

Telah di amanahkan untuk mengetuai Fakulti Kejuruteraan bermula 01 Julai 2018 - 30 Jun 2021. Mohon doa semua agar Allah mudahkan urusan yang berat ini. … [Continue reading]

Entrepreneurial Leaders Programme

Attending the ELP with the aim of becoming a better leader for the incoming School of Biomedical Engineering in 2018. Ever wonder the difference between Manager, Leader & Entrepreneur? The aim is to be an entrepreneurial leader. … [Continue reading]

Malaysia Higher Education Forum 2017

Town Hall with Industry and Academia with a title "Synergistic Cooperation in Harnessing Industry 4.0". The session was chaired by YB Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh, and the panels were Mr. Brian Wong (Vice President Alibaba Group), Dato' Charon Mokhzani … [Continue reading]