- Formulated Elementary Strength and Stability Equations for Thin-walled Behaviour of Cold-formed Steel Joint in Rapid Building-in-box (RaBiB), Project Leader, 4F258, FRGS, 17 December 2013 to 16 December 2015, RM67,000
- MOOCs Implementation in Civil Engineering Curriculum, Project Leader, 02G88, UTM Flagship, 01 December 2014 to 30 November 2015, RM70,000
- Rapid Building-in-box System (RaBIB) for Sustainable Residential House, Project Leader, 03H76, UTM GUP Tier 1, 01 December 2012 to 31 December 2014, RM120,000
- Structural Performance on Cold-formed Steel Joint for House-in-a-Box System, Project Member, 05J76, UTM GUP Tier 2, 01 April 2012 to 30 April 2013, RM35,000
- Investigation on Precast Floor Panel using Lightweight Concrete and Cold-Formed Steel Section, Project Leader, 01J09, UTM GUP Tier 2, 01 April 2011 to 31 October 2012, RM40,000
- Analytical Models for Strength of Composite Joints in Light Steel Framing, Project Member, 00J10, UTM GUP Tier 2, 01 April 2011 to 31 October 2012, RM40,000
- Development of Computer Software for Analysis and Design of Steel Frame Structure under Variable Loading, Project Leader, 72213, Government of Malaysia, RM114,760
- Semi-Rigid Analysis of High Rise Building using Non-Linear Finite Element Technique, Project Leader, 71267, RMC UTM, RM15,000
- Design Procedure on the Use of Partial Strength Joints on Multi-Storey Steel Frames using TWP and Perwaja Sections, Project Member, 73049, CIDB Malaysia, 01 October 2003 to 03 May 2006, RM619,000 (Silver Medal Award at the Invention and New Product Exposition, INPEX 2004, USA)
- Economic Aspects of the Use Of Partial and Full Strength Joints on Multi Storey Unbraced Steel Frames, Project Member, IRPA 74109, MOSTI Malaysia, 01 November 2002 to 31 October 2005, RM198,500
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