

  1. Project Title: HAZOP Analysis for Evyap Sabun Palm Oil Refinery
    Client: Evyap Sabun
    Responsibility: HAZOP study
    Vote Number: 754 (UTSB)
    Amount: RM146,750
    Period: Aug 2013 to Jan 2014

Note: To perform HAZOP analysis on the plant design and develop 3D piping modelling.

  1. Project Title: Retrofit of SHELL MDS Plant for Utility Conservation Using Pinch Analysis
    Client: SHELL Middle Distillate
    Responsibility: Detailed design of heat and water recovery system
    Vote Number: 671 (UTSB)
    Amount: RM95,000
    Period: June 2012 – Nov 2012

Note: To design a heat recovery system for middle distillate plant.

  1. Project Title: Detailed Design of Heat Recovery System and Fuel Switching for Pantai Medivest Sdn Bhd (PMSB) Incinerator Plant (Phase 2)
    Client: Pantai Medivest Sdn Bhd (PMSB)
    Responsibility: Detailed design of heat recovery system
    Vote Number: 63678
    Amount: RM44,000
    Period: October – January 2009

Note: To design an heat recovery system for a clinical waste incineration plant

  1. Project Title: Improvement of Heat Recovery System and Fuel Switching for Pantai Medivest Sdn Bhd (PMSB) Incinerator Plant (Phase 1)
    Client: Pantai Medivest Sdn Bhd (PMSB)
    Responsibility: Analyse heat recovery system and propose energy reduction alternative
    Vote Number: 63678
    Amount: RM56,000
    Period: August – October 2008

Note: To propose energy reduction measures for a clinical waste incineration plant

  1. Project Title: Design of cogeneration system for rice mill
    Client: BERNAS
    Responsibility: Analyse data and provide training
    Vote Number: 69627
    Amount: RM70,000
    Period: 2 Jun 2008 – 30 August 2008

Note: To design an efficient cogeneration system using rice husk for a rice mill plant

  1. Project Title: Development of a Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) Programme for Biomass-Based Power Generation System for Palm Oil Mills
    Client: Pusat Tenaga Malaysia
    Responsibility: Training module and palm oil HAZOP development
    Vote Number: 425
    Amount: RM57,000
    Period: Dec 2006-Mar 2007

Note: To develop safety and training module with real pal oil mill biomass-based power generation systems case studies.

  1. Project Title: Retrofit for Energy Efficiency Improvement
    Client: Pan Century Oleo Chemical Plant
    Responsibility: Trainer, assist in management and data analyser
    Vote Number: 63662
    Amount: RM55,000
    Period: April 2006-Jun 2006

Note: To propose schemes to reduce cooling tower load and improve energy efficiency

Project Title: UTM-MIMOS Water Minimisation Project
Client: MIMOS  Semiconductor (M) Berhad (MySem)
Responsibility: Collect data, analyse and report writing
Vote Number: 63645
Amount: RM17,000
Period: Oct 2005 –Jan 2006

Note: To provide a water minimisation scheme proposal

  1. Project Title: Design of a Solvent Recovery System
    Client: HYSPER
    Responsibility: Data analyser
    Vote Number: 63602
    Amount: RM20,000
    Period: 2004-2005

Note: To design a solvent recovery system using the new solvent.


  1. Project Title: Development of Malaysia Green Growth Strategy Paper Work
    Organisation: Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Jabatan Perdana Menteri
    Advice on: Green growth.
    Period: Jun o July 2014
  1. Project Title: Cogeneration Feasiblity Study for Clinical Incineration Plant
    Organisation: AMR Sdn Bhd
    Advice on: Feasiblity of Cogeneration Integration with Clinical Waste Incinerator and Laundary Plant.
    Period: Oct 2013 to Feb 2014
  1. Project Title: Energy minimisation using pinch analysis
    Organization : PERTAMINA, Indonesia
    Advice on: Reducing energy consumption via heat pinch analysis.
    Period: 2011
  1. Project Title: Green Mosque, Masjid Nong Chik
    Organization : Mudra Tropika
    Advice on: Designing water recycling and rainwater harvesting system.
    Period: 2011-2012
  1. Project Title: Advisor for Energy Manager Training Course III
    Government Agency: Green Technology Malaysia
    Advice on: Energy Manager Training Course III
    Period: 2-5 August 2010
  1. Project Title: Advisor for ‘Training for Master Trainer – Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (PoPBL)’
    Government Agency: Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi (AKEPT), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
    Advice on: Training for Master Trainer – Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (PoPBL) Module
    Period: 23- 24 October 2010
  1. Project Title: Baseline Study on Renewable Energy Awards in Malaysia
    Government Agency: Pusat Tenaga Malaysia
    Advice on: Baseline study on renewable energy awards in Malaysia
    Period: November-December 2008
  1. Project Title : MIEEIP Energy Conservation Features Programme
    Government Agency : Pusat Tenaga Malaysia
    Advice on: Energy Conservation Features in new building in Malaysia
    Period : 2006