10 Steps Toward Better Research

Here are 10 skills have to be adopted while doing research (internet source):

  1. Set up a schedule!! Write up a schedule with a series of milestones to accomplish by a specific date.
  2. Start to make a move!! spend some time searching for keywords related to your topic, browsing the links you find on each page, and following their suggested resources
  3. Mine bibliographies!! skim through the bibliography and note down anything whose title sounds relevant to your research.
  4. Have a research question in mind!! keep focused by working towards an answer to your research question.
  5. Deal with one piece at a time!! Don’t try to tackle your subject all at once.
  6. Use a system!! Start your research with an idea of how you plan to collect and organize your notes and data.
  7. Know your resources!! Spend some time getting to know what resources, both online and offline, your library to offer.
  8. Ask for help!! Use the human resources available to you as well as the material resources.
  9. Carry an idea book!!Keep a small notebook and a pen with you everywhere.
  10. Bring it up to date!!Google the major researchers whose work you’ve found and see if you can find their homepages.