Water Leaders Forum 2017

 Water Leaders Forum 2017 (WLF 17) is a continuation of the Johor Water Sustainability Symposium 2017 which took place on August 7 and 8 2017, where local experts and agencies have been involved to formulate solutions to water issues in the State of Johor. In addition to creating an inspirational sharing and knowledge amongst the agencies involved, the symposium has succeeded in formulating a sustainable water management resolution that will serve as the basis for planning and managing resources and water industries. WLF 17 is organised by Johor Water Forum (JWF), an organization that is responsible to advise and assist the State Government in handling water issues. The first Forum organized by JWF held in 2015 has been a source of ideas for better resource management and water supply. The State of Johor has taken a positive step towards finding alternative sources of water and formulating strategies towards sustainable water resources management.

Among the principal issues raised during JWF 15 are;

  1. Dramatic increase for clean water demand as a result rapid developments especially in the Iskandar Region. In addition to local requirements, the State of Johor is committed to further supplying raw water resources to Singapore and Malacca;
  1. Water supply becomes more critical every time the drought occurs. Over dependency on river water will expose the state to serious water supply disruptions especially during drought;
  1. Pollution levels become more serious during dry seasons because the river’s ability to dilute the contaminants becomes limited;
  1. River pollution has become a major threat that limits the inadequate water resources;
  1. Efforts should be made to obtain more alternative sources such as groundwater, large scale rainwater harvesting, desalination  and construction of barrage;
  1. In addition to supply enhancement, the demand management approach is equally important to ensuring sustainable management. This requires changing the behaviour of users through public awareness programs, formal education at schools, imposing penalties or charges, providing incentives, and formulating appropriate policies;
  1. Integrated River Basin Management should be strengthened to ensure water resources security.


The Official Picture of the VVIP and invited speakers whom attended the first day of the forum:
YAB Dato’ Mohamed Khaled bin Nordin ( Johor Chief Minister), YB Datuk Ir Hj Hasni bin Mohammad ( Chairman of Water Leaders Forum), YE Zulkifli Marsagos Mohamad (Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, Singapore). And Keynote and Invited Speakers:
Prof Mooyoung Han, Dr Kotaro Takemura, Dr Zhou Tong, Datuk Ir.Dr Azuhan Mohamed, Prof Zulkifli Yusop, Dato Teo Yen Hua, Datuk Ir. Hj Mohd Khalid Nasir, Tan Sri Dato Ir Syed Muhammad Shahabuddin, Datuk Ir Abdul Kadir Mohd Din

Dato’ Teo Yen Hua

Invited Speakers
Datuk Ir. Hj. Mohd Khalid bin Nasir
Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Syed Muhammad Shahabuddin
Prof. Dato’ Mazlin bin Mokhtar

Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad

Closing ceremony
YB Datuk Ir. Dr. Hamim Samuri

( Live Video by Johor Times)

The link:


Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Syed Muhammad Shahabuddin
Prof. Dato’ Mazlin bin Mokhtar

Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad

Official Closing ceremony
YB Datuk Ir. Dr. Hamim Samuri


The topics discussed includes:

  1. Keynote 1His Excellency Masagos Zulkifli bin Masagos Mohamad

    Minister of Environment and Water Resource, Singapore

    Keynote Title : Recipe for Water Management Successes in Singapore

  2. Speaker 1Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazlin bin Mokhtar – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (UKM) Title : Integrated River Basin Management : Time for Stronger Action
  3. Speaker 2Raymond Valiant Ruritan – Main Director of Jasa Tirta 1 Title : Success story of IRBM in Kali Brantas, Indonesia
  4. Speaker 3Prof. Mooyoung Han – Seoul National University, Korea  Title : Success Story of Rainwater Harvesting in Star City, Korea
  5. Speaker 4Dr. Kotaro Takemura – Japan Water Forum

    Title : Success Story of Groundwater Utilization in Kumamoto, Japan

  6. Speaker 5Dr. Zhou Tong – Deputy General Manager, UES Holding Pte. Lmt., Singapore Title : Making Desalination a Viable Option
  7. Speaker 6Datuk Ir. Dr. Azuhan bin Mohamed – Director General National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM)

    Title : Groundwater Potential and Misconception in Malaysia

  8. Keynote 2Dato’ Teo Yen Hua

    Former CEO of The National Water Services Commission (SPAN) Tajuk Ucaptama : A Decade of Water Industry Reform : Time to Reflect

  9. Speaker 7Datuk Ir. Hj. Mohd Khalid bin Nasir – CEO, Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad Title : Challenges in Water Supply Industry Reform in Malaysia
  10. Speaker 8Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Syed Muhammad Shahabuddin

    SMHB/Academy of Science Malaysia

    Title : Ensuring a Win-Win Water Partnership between the State and Federal Entities

  11. Speaker 9Datuk Ir. Abdul Kadir bin Mohd Din – President of The Malaysian Water Association (MWA)

    Title : Water Sustainability: The Roles of NGO and the Public