3rd Proceeding of Civil Engineering ( free download)

The third proceeding of civil engineering research work by our final year students from the School of Civil Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia Session 2017/2018. These students had undergone two semesters of final year project where literature reviews were carried out and proposals were prepared during the first semester while the research projects were executed and final year project reports were written up during the second semester. Each of the completed research project was presented by the student before a panel consisted of academic staffs that are well versed in the particular research area, together with a representative from the industry. The final year project presentation that was held on the 3rd and 4th of June 2018 allowed the dissemination of knowledge and results in theory, methodology and application on the different fields of civil engineering among the audience and served as a platform where any vague knowledge was clarified and any misunderstood theories, procedures and interpretation of the research works were corrected.

The articles of the proceeding are published in three volumes and are organized in broad categories as follows:

Volume 1- Structure and Materials
Volume 2– Construction Management, Geotechnics and Transportation

Volume 3– Water and Environmental Engineering

List of Editors

1. Dr. Libriati Zardasti
2. Dr. Nur Syamimi Zaidi
3. Dr. Ain Naadia Mazlan
4. Dr. Mohamed Zuhaili Bin Mohamed Najib

5. Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala
6. Dr. Eeydzah Aminudin
7. Dr. Dayang Zulaika Abang Hasbollah
8. Dr. Mohd Ridza Mohd Haniffah
9. Dr. Nur Hafizah Abd Khalid
10. PM. Dr. Norhisham Bin Bakhary

Link: https://people.utm.my/vani/free-download-3rd-proceeding-civil-engineering-vol-1/


Link: https://people.utm.my/vani/free-download-3r…ngineering-vol-3/