“She is determined, highly motivated and very eager to spread the environmental word. Malaysian Kogila Vani Annammala (‘Vani’) knows what she wants and doesn’t let anybody get in her way. ‘You don’t want to lose your dream because other people told you so.’ A portrait of an emerging scientist and Earthwatch Team lead” -@Elbers (Earthwatch Coordinator, Oxford-UK)

- FIELD TEAM LEADER (EARTHWATCH UK)-Borneo Climate Change Project, Sabah Biodiversity Experiment, Sabah.-Since June 2010
- ACADEMIC CONSULTANT-South East Asia Rainforest Research Programme (SEARRP), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah- Since June 2015

PostDoctoral Research: May 2015 – March 2016: Institute of Environmental and Water Resource Management (iPASA),Faculty of Civil Engineering,University Technology Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johore.
PostDoctoral Research Associate: June 2015 – June 2016 :SouthEast Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP),Danum Valley-Sabah
Research Officer : Mac 2009- 2014 : Department of Environmental Science,School of Science and TechnologyUniversiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia.
Field Team Leader ( Earthwatch Borneo Project) : June 2010 till current (http://www.earthwatch.org/europe/exped/reynolds.html) Climate and Landscape Change in Borneo’s Rainforest,Earthwatch Institute,Mayfielf House,256 Banbury Road,Oxford, OX2 7DE, United Kingdom
Research Assistant; June 2007 – December 2008 :Department of Bio-medics and Therapeutics, School Of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia.
Tutor and Demonstrator- Open University Malaysia (OUM): June 2006-Sept 2006 Open University Malaysia-Cawangan Kota Kinabalu,Campus UMS,Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Chemist, Anametrics (M) Sdn.Bhd: Nov 2006 – June 2007 :Anametrics Sdn. Bhd, Jalan Astaka Seksyen U8/84, 40150 Selangor
Industrial attachment, GIST, South Korea: Mar 2005-Aug 2005: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Environmental System Engineering Laboratory (ESEL), Gwangju Institute of Science and technology, 1 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-712, Korea.

April 2010 – 2014: Visiting Researcher/ Temporary Staff: Department of Geography, University of Swansea, Singelton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP
June 2010-current Field Team Leader: Climate Change and Landscape in Borneo’s
Climate, Earthwatch UK

Research category: Physical Sciences, Environment and Energy (Silver Medal)
K.Bidin, K.V. Annammala, R.P.D Walsh. 2014.Use of Radionuclide fallout and geochemical parameters to study the impacts of Landuse change on sedimentation. Research and Innovation competition (PEREKA 2014). Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 27 October 2015.
Research category: Physical Sciences, Environment and Energy (Silver Medal)
K.Bidin, K.V. Annammala, R.P.D Walsh. 2013.Contextualizing Impacts of Landuse change on sediment Dynamics using Radionuclide fallout and sediment fingerprinting technique. Research and Innovation competition (PEREKA 2013). Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 12-13 September 2013
Innovation category: Physical Sciences, Environment and Energy (Silver Medal)
K.Bidin, K.V.Annammala, R.P.D. Walsh, A.Nainar & F.N. Cleopas. 2013.Modified Laser Erosion Bridge to measure soil Erosion.Research and Innovation competition (PEREKA 2013). Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 12-13 September 2013.
Interview and news article as outstanding Scientist profile, published in ‘The Reach’ annual News Letter, Earthwatch’s capacity and Development Newsletter,Issue 15, 2011/2012
Fellowship Award from Shell International BV (2009-2013)
Invited and full sponsor by Royal Geographic Society, London, Delivered Public Lecture on Climate Change, in Oxford, London. (2011)
Travel Grant by UMS & GIST Joint Programme symposium on Science and Technology (2010)
Full Scholarship from YTL Foundation, Sabah (2005- 2008)

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