4th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Research and Development Forum

Strengthening Resilience with Private sector Engagement and Nature Based Solution 

The forum event discussed the challenges and policy implications in engaging the private sector in climate initiatives and strategies to support Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and their opportunities. The event aims to: (i) serve as a platform to exchange experiences, views, and strategies on private sector engagement in climate change problems and harnessing the opportunities of nature-based solutions; (ii) inform and explore policy solutions; (iii) identify and propose potential opportunities to leverage on private sectors engagement and NbS for AMS; and (iv) raise awareness on challenges and best practices on the above thematic areas.

Pls do drop me a message if you would like to discuss more on this. 

Free Forum on Groundwater

Groundwater: making the invisible Visible

In conjunction with World Water Day 2022 celebration, Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security – IPASA cordially invite you to participate in an online forum entitled ‘Groundwater: Making The Invisible Visible’.

The details of the forum are as follow: Title: Groundwater:

Making the Invisible Visible

Date: 22 March 2022 (Tuesday)

Time: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (MYT)

Panelists:Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din (Director of Campus Sustainability, UTM & Fellow, IPASA)Datuk Ir. P.Geol. Dr. Azuhan Mohamed (General Manager of Air Kelantan Sdn. Bhd.)P.Geol. Ismail Hj. Tawnie (Director of Hydrogeological Research Centre , NAHRIM)

Moderator: Ts. Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala (Fellow, IPASA)

Pre recorded available at: https://www.facebook.com/utm.ipasa/videos/357459196302317

Let’s learn about groundwater and understand the importance of this water resource towards our country’s water security. See you there!

International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Resource Security

Free Keynote sessions

Very Interesting sharing Sessions can be viewed at : ;https://www.facebook.com/events/478732750613554/?sfnsn=mo


KEYNOTE SPEAKER I – Prof. Kaoru Takara (Japan) – Climate Change Extreme Event Disaster and Its Management During Pandemic

OPENING KEYNOTE –  Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang (Secretary General, Ministry of Environmental and Water Malaysia) – Climate Resilience: Challenges for Innovation

KEYNOTE SPEAKER II – Prof. Gustaf Olsson (Sweden)  –  Climate – Water – Energy – Lifestyle Interactions : A System Approach

KEYNOTE SPEAKER III – Prof. Richard Dawson (UK) – Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructure

Augmented Reality

Learning how to do it!

Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli using via technology. It is a growing trend in mobile computing and business applications in particular.

Trying to experiment in creating and developing my own – to apply for active learning and teaching sessions. With the new norm- many lecture/ classes are still virtual and based on ODL. Students including lecturers are getting stressed and overwhelmed to certain extend ( a separate topic to discuss and argue). And to certain extent getting bored with powerpoint slides and teacher centred learning approach. ; hopefully with this application- I can create more engaging and stimulating learning environment.

Sharing my first assignment ; for the AR course that I attended. Not much on the content as I did not invest a lot of time developing it yet. Still at the stage of exploring the functions and what the application can and can’t do. ( Youtube link: https://youtu.be/6XgYjFUM-Kg)


Surprised that the project won me a Bronze in the competition.!!!

Let’s learn to use Miro

Online collaborative whiteboard platform

Encourage student ? participation during virtual design critique sessions using the Miro ?️!

Miro = Online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere

For those who missed the talk : herewith sharing the link for the recorded version .

FREE WEBINAR : Sediment Related Issues for Sustainable Reservoir Management

Webinar on Sediment Related Issues for Sustainable Reservoir Management 

Hello everyone on behalf of Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre (DPPC)- MJIIT UTM- JASTIP Kyoto University and Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA), RISE UTM I would like to invite you all for the FREE yet to be a very informative webinar.

Date: 23 June 2021 (WEDNESDAY) 

Time: 9.00am – 11.30am (MYT) 


Pls Download the full brochure for more details- including the link for registration and the tentative. Also included the speakers details.

For more information on the zoom link and Facebook LIVE  (https://www.facebook.com/DPPCMJIIT/) please see our brochure. 

Please do extend this announcement to respective networks. 

See you all at the webinar!!.

Please do extend this announcement to respective networks. 

See you all at the webinar!!. Do not hesitate to contact me for further details.

Thank you.


FREE downloadable BOOK by National Water Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM )

With simple registration procedure, one can stay updated with water related issues in Malaysia under the NAHRIM management.

The frame book aims to facilitate the formulation of sound policies and best practices that support sustainable water management and ensure water security especially in dealing with climate change impact.

Environmental Forensics

Briefly sharing about my research passion, on environmental forensic – also known as multi proxy sediment fingerprinting approach.

Sharing briefly about the approach and the way forward. Apart working with sediments, my research focus is also on River, water Quality and indexing. My love to the rivers and environment.

For those whom could not make it for the talk, herewith sharing the recording of the session.

Pls feel free to contact me to discuss more about my scope, research interest and perhaps we could discuss more about how would could collaborate?

thanks for your time !!

Thank you for those who gave their time on the day.. and for this reading now!. Lets discuss more with a cup of coffee/ tea?
Part 1 of the talk: Session by Dr. Nor Eliza Alias – Climate Change Impact Study-Why and How
Brief Sharing by myself on : Environmental Forensics. Special thanks Rasmussen Foundation ( Special thanks to Rob) & Earthwatch Borneo Project ( Shell international BV) for funding the projects shared in this talk.

Free Webinar : Sharing session with regards Active learning

SKA FREE Sharing Session #5
Date : 24/08/2020 (Monday)
Time : 10-11 am ( Malaysian Timing).

Webex Meeting link:
Meeting number:
170 540 3418
Host key:

Moderator : Dr. Afikah Binti Rahim
Our Speakers :
1) Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala
“Sharing of Simple Active Learning Tips in Class”
2) Dr. Norelyza Hussein
“Improving Student Performance Through Active Learning”

for those who missed it on the day: You can watch the recording from You Tube:
