Lecture Notes

This course aims to serve the need of the students to understand and apply the attribute of UTM graduate skills. Guides students in developing basic skills which consist of communication, thinking, scholarship, teamwork & leadership, adaptability, global citizenship and enterprising skills. This course also prepares them to face the real challenging world. In this course, students will be assessed through various class activities such as individual case study and group project.

Project ( Magazine)

  1. This is a group assignment with maximum 3-4 members per group. 
  2. Each group needs to produce a magazine on Graduate Attributes
  3. The content of the magazine should include at least four (4) topics (i.e.  written articles, infographic, illustration) related to Graduates Attributes to success in the future. The examples of topics are as follows:
  • The challenges faced by graduates in post Covid 19
  • The challenges faced by graduates in IR4.0
  • The employment/unemployment in post Covid 19
  • The employment/unemployment in IR4.0
  • The key attributes to survive in post Covid 19
  • The key attributes to survive in IR4.0
  • How to polish graduate attributes to excel in the workplace?
  1. You may consult with your lecturer for the topics/issues to be written in your magazine.
  2. You need to support the content of your magazine with relevant scholarly sources. 
  3. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. By submitting your assignment, you are declaring that it is your original work and has not been submitted in any form for another course, programme, or other educational institution. 
  4. You are encouraged to showcase your creativity to produce the magazine.

Example of students Creations

These are Just an example, for the current task; each group is expected to share more personalised content and opinion orientated with mixture of facts. Try to create a mix of genre from facts, articles, comic etc..Let your imagination flow: as you are the editor and Publisher.!