International Proceedings & Abstracts
Annammala, K.V. , Sugumaran, D., Mohammad, N.A. , L.S. Mazilamani , A.R.M.Yusoff , Z. Yusop , N. Alias, Jamal,M.H, G.Khuneswari and A.Nainar. Impacts of Forest Disturbances and Large Scale Agricultural Plantation on Erosion and Sedimentation: The Step Forward. 4th Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction Kyoto, Japan, March 13-15, 2019
Alias, N. E, Tarmizi, M. M. M, Chebby, M. S., Annammala, K.V., Yuzir, A., 2019. Return Period Analysis of Major Flood Events Considering Homogeneous Regions, 4th Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction Kyoto, Japan, March 13-15, 2019
Mohamad, N. A, Jamal, M. H., Annammala, K. V., Yusop, Z., Alias, N. E., and Sugumaran, D., (2018). Impact of Forest Conversion to Agricultural Plantation on Soil Erosion. In Scopus Proceedings of the 12th International Civil Engineering Post Graduate Conference in conjunction with 3rd International Symposium on Expertise of Engineering Design.
Sugumaran, D, Annammala,K.V*.,Yusoff, A.R.M., Yusop, Z., Mohammad N.A & Nainar,A, Application and Adaptation of Sediment Fingeprinting Approach in Asian Countries: A review. Proceedings of 7th International Graduate Conference of Engineering, Science and Humanities. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru. 13-15 August 2018. (ISBN: 978-967-2171-27-0).
Mohamad, N. A, Annammala, K. V., Jamal, M. H., Yusop, Z., Sugumaran, D., and Nainar, A., (2018). Contextualizing the Impacts of Land-Use Change on Soil Erosion in Agricultural Plantation using the Modified Laser Erosion Bridge Method. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Water Resources.
- Sugumaran, K.V. Annammala, A.R.M.Yusoff, Z. Yusop, N.A. Mohammad, G.Khuneswari and A.Nainar., (2018) Source Apportionment and Source-to-Sink Transport at Tropical Large Catchment: Contextualizing Impacts of Land Disturbance on Sediment Dynamics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR).
K.V. Annammala, D. Sugumaran, A.R.M.Yusoff, Z. Yusop, A.Nainar, N.A. Mohammd, Jamal, M. H., (2018). Applicaton of Environmental Forensic approach for flood mitigation- Case Studies in Malaysia. Proceeding of Flood Catastrophes in a Changing Environment Page 27-28, November, Langkawi
K.V Annammala, A.Nainar, K.Bidin, R.P.D. Walsh, W.H.Blake & S.Higton. Environmental Forensics: Non- Point Source Suspended Sediment Pollution from Forestry Activities in the Segama and Brantian Catchments, Sabah. Sabah World Rivers Day Conference, 19 & 20th September 2017. Magellan Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.-,
Rory. P.D. Walsh, Kawi Bidin,Siti Nurhidayu, Anand Nainar, Kogilavani Annammala, Anand Nainar, William H.Blake, Sam Higton, Katy Wall & Isabella Darling, 2017. Message, Limitations and future needs of research into environmentl impacts and mitigating remediation measures of oil palm and forest land-use and management in SE Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts. I EGU General Assembly, Vol 19 EGU2017-1807- 1-2017, Vienna. ( View the abstract at:
Rory Walsh, Anand nainar, Siti Nurhidayu, Sam Higton, KogilaVani Annammala, Katy Wall, Kawi Bidin, William Blake & Isabella Darling, 2017. Comparative effects of oil palm and delective logging on erosion, river channels and water chemistry in Malaysian Steeplands. Geophysical Research Abstracts. I EGU General Assembly, Vol 19 EGU2017-18150-2017. Vienna.View the abstract at:
Kogila Vani Annammala, Abdull Rahim Mohd Yusoff, Zulkifli Yusop, Nor Eliza Alias Khuneswari Gopal Pillay, 2016. Sediment fingerprinting approach as forensic evidence: Linking land-use and source of Suspended sediment in Kelantan River Basin, Malaysia. Conference on Flood Catastrophes in a Changing Environment,2016, 15th-16th November 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
Rory. P.D. Walsh, Kawi Bidin, Kogilavani Annammala, Anand Nainar, William H.Blake, Sam Higton, Katy Wall, Emily Perryman & Laura Murphy. 2016. Tropical Forest Hydrology: Impacts of Climate Change and Land Management and How to Reduce Them: Abstract. International Conference On Sustainable Forest Development In View of Climate Change (SFDCC-2016). August 8-11, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur.
A.Nainar, K.Bidin, R.P.D. Walsh, R.M. Ewers, G. Reynolds, K.V. Annammala, S.w. Hue.2016. Effects of Different Land-use on Suspended Sediment Dynamics in Sabah (North Borneo)- A View on the Event and Annual Scale. The 7th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (ICWRER), June 5-9, Kyoto, Japan.
Walsh,R.P.D, Annammala, K.V., Nainar, A.,Blake,W.H.,Bidin, K. 2016 . Hydrogeomorphological and water quality impacts of palm conversion and logging in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo: a multi catchment approach. Geographical Research Abstracts 16. EGU General Assembly (EGU 2016-18195), Vienna, April 2016. View the abstract at:
Rory Walsh, Anand Nainar, Kawi Bidin, Sam Higton, Kogila Vani Annammala, Will Blake, Sarah Luker, Laura Murphy, Emily Perryman, Katy Wall & Jamil Hanapi. Impacts of oil palm conversion and logging in Sabah, Malaysian, Borneo: a multi-catchment approach. . EGU General Assembly (EGU 2016-18195), Vienna, 11-22 April 2016
Annammala,K.V, Bidin, K, Walsh, R.P.D, Blake,W, Reynolds,G., 2015. Linking Land-use, Erosion and Sediment: Indication of higher Erosion and Sedimentation from Logged and Oil Palm Sites in Eastern Sabah, Borneo. International Conference on the Heart of Borner : Bridging HoB Lanscapes and Beyong through healthy Watershed corridors. Magellan Sutera, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. November 2015.
Blake.W, Walsh, R, Bidin,K., Annammala,K. 2015. Contextualising impacts of logging on tropical rainforest catchment sediment dynamics using the stratigraphic record of in-channel bench deposits. Geophysical Research Abstracts 17. EGU2015-12749. Vienna, April 2015.
Kawi Bidin, Rory.P.D.Walsh, Will.H.Blake and Kogila Vani Annammala. 2014 Contextualizing Impacts of land-use change on sediment dynamics using radionuclide fallout and sediment fingerprinting. Proceedings of the GIST-UMS International Symposium on Science and Technology 2014.23-24 September, Gwangju, Korea.
Annammala, K.V, Walsh,R.P.D, Blake, W.H. & Bidin, K., 2014. The Use of Geochemical Elements and Cs-137 and Pb-210 Radionuclide Fallout in Discriminating Fine Sediment Sources and Changes in Sedimentation Pattern Due to Landuse and Climate Change in Segama River Catchment, Sabah, Eastern Borneo. International Conference on computational and experimental science and engineering. 25-29 th October, Antalya, Turkey.
Walsh,R.P.D, Annammala, K.V., Nainar, A.,Blake,W.H.,Bidin, K., Douglas, I., 2013. Impact of rainforest disturbance and conversation to oil palm on large river catchments in Borneo: evidence from sediment fingerprinting and long term monitoring. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology. 27th-31st August, Paris.
K.V. Annammala, R.P. D. Walsh, K. Bidin, W. Blake. The use of multi-proxy sediment fingerprinting to explore changes in sedimentation rate and sediment sources with rotational selective logging and oil palm conversion in the Segama Catchment, Malaysian Borneo. . Geographical Research Abstracts 15. EGU General Assembly (EGU 2013-13277), Vienna. April 2013.
K.V. Annammala, R.P. D. Walsh, K. Bidin, A. Nainar; 2012.Higher Erosion Rate and Enhanced Sedimentation from disturbed landforms in Eastern Sabah, Borneo. 2nd International conferences on Water Resources in Conjunction with 20th UNESCO-IHP regional Steering Commitee Meeting for Southeast Asia and the Pacific Proceedings. Langkawi,Malaysia, 5-9th November, 2012
K.V. Annammala, R.P. D. Walsh, K. Bidin, A. Nainar; 2012.High Rates Of Soil Loss To Streams In Oil Palm Areas In Eastern Sabah Detected Using A Modified Soil Erosion Bridge Technique – And Reductions With Soil Conservation Practices. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Conference-European Geosciences Union (EGU) Joint Assembly, Singapore, 13-17 August 2012.
R.P.D. Walsh, R. William, K.V. Annammala, T. Coombs, K.Bidin, A.Nainar, 2012. Potential, Problems and Challenges in Using Sediment Fingerprinting at Different Spatial Scales within the Segama Catchment, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Conference-European Geosciences Union (EGU) Joint Assembly, Singapore, 13-17 August 2012.
Nainar, A., Bidin, K., Walsh, R. P. D. & Annammala, K. V. 2012. The Hydrology Component of the Stability of Altered Forests Ecosystems (SAFE) Project- Experimental Design and Preliminary Nutrient Data. UMTAS 2012 Proceedings. E-ISBN 978-967-5366-93-2.
Nainar A, Bidin K, Walsh RPD and Annammala KV. 2012. Turbidity and conductivity changes during storm events in repeat-selectively-logged and old regrowth lightly logged rainforest catchments in Sabah. Science@SAFE. Imperial College London, Ascot, UK.
Blake, W.H., Walsh, R.P.D., Bidin,K., Annammala, K.V, 2012. Contextualizing impacts of logging and tropical rainforest catchment sediment dynamics and source processes using the stratigraphic records of an in-channel bench deposit. Geographial Research Abstracts 14. EGU General Assembly (EGU 2012-7190), Vienna. April 2012.
Annammala. K.V., Bidin. K., Walsh, R. P.D., Blake, W. H, 2011.Sediment fingerprinting approaches and radionuclide fallout of Cs137 and Pb210 as reference inventory for qualitative and quantitative estimation of Sediment redistribution (SRD)-Segama Catchment in Eastern Sabah,Borneo.. Symposium on Science and Technology. Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea. 18-20 April, 2011
Annammala. K.V., Bidin. K., Walsh, R. P.D., Blake, W. H. 2011.Impact off Forest Disturbances and Land use change on Erosion and sediment deposition: Indication of Higher sedimentation within Segama catchment, Eastern Sabah. Wilmar International Ltd Conference Seminar on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Oil Palm: Developing tools to assist in Malaysia’s drive for sustainability in Palm Oil. Sapi Plantation, Sandakan, Sabah. 15-16 August 2011.
Kogila Vani Annammala, Kawi Bidin, Rory Walsh, 2010. Impacts of Forest Disturbance, Fragmentation and Restoration on Erosion Rate, Sediment Sources and Transport within Segama River System. Seminar Pascasiswazah, Kota Kinabalu. June 2010.
Rory Walsh, Kawil Bidin, Will Blake, Michelle Clarke, Aimee Sayer, Rosmadi Ghazali, Kogila Vani Annammala, Nick Chappel and Ian Douglas. 2010. Erosion on tropical rain-forest terrain: A re-evaluation in the light of long-term monitorng, aerial photographic and Sediment fingerprinting in Borneo. EGU, General Assemble, Vienna. May 2010.
Rory P. D. Walsh, William H. Blake, Kawi Bidin, Nick Chappell, Michelle A. Clarke, Ian Douglas, Rosmadi Ghazali, Aimee Sayer, K.V. Annammala, 2010. Rainforest Hydrological and Erosional Systems and Their Long Term responses to Forest Disturbance and Climatic Change. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Bali Indonesia.2010-10-23 July 2010.
Rory P.D. Walsh, Michelle A. Clarke, William H. Blake, K.V. Annammala, Jamil Hanapi. 2010. Messages of Long-term monitoring of erosion in primary and selectively logged rain forest for environmental management. SANREM, Le Meridian, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.3-5 August 2010
Kogila Vani Annammala, Kawi Bidin, Rory P.D. Walsh. 2010. Radionuclide fallout-Caesium-137 and Lead-210 as Sediment fingerprinting indicators; sediment sampling and inventory variability in reference locations: A Review. Seminar UMS-GIST, Kota Kinabalu. December, 2010.
Kogila Vani Annammala, Mohd Harun Abdullah and Mazlin Bin Mokhtar, 2008. Environmental Contamination Monitoring of Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon Compounds in Tropical Coastal Waters of Sabah: Status and health effects.. ICPE 3rd,Gurney Hotel, Penang. 16-17 December 2008.
Kogila Vani Annammala, Mohd Harun Abdullah and Mazlin Bin Mokhtar. 2008. Environmental Contamination Monitoring of Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon Compounds in Tropical Coastal Waters of Sabah.Postgraduate Seminar, University Malaysia Sabah. 14-April 2008
Kogila Vani Annammala and Mohd Harun Abdullah. 2006. Occurrence of Tri-butyl-tin (TBT) contamination in coastal waters: The consequences and effects. SANREM, Sabah, November 2006.
Mohd Harun Abdullah, Baba Musta Ahmad Zaharin Aris and Kogila Vani Annamala, 2004. Groundwater Resources of Mabul Island, Semporna, Sabah: Quality Monitoring And Management, . Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Water & Wastewater Management and Technologies, held in Kyoto, Japan, on December 6-7, 2004.