Today is my wife’s birthday. Happy birthday Ma! May Allah SWT grant you happiness and the best of this world and the hereafter.
I’m so sorry because I can’t make you happy all the times but I’m trying my best to do it. I’m thankful to you for what you’ve done and will be serving me for years to come.
We’re striving very hard to please Allah and arRasul, so that we are counted as his ummah and be blessed in this dunia wal akhirah.
Oh Allah, guide us to the straight path. Oh Allah, make our hearts strong to accept you as the only God in our hearts.
Ya muqalibal qulub, sabbit qalbi ala deenik.
And Oh Allah, make our hearts pure in accepting Muhammad as the final prophet and your messenger.
Aamiin, aamiin, aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin.