Bettering the People with Sensor Networks Research
Machine Learning & Sensor Networks Married Together
Intelligent Sensor Networks the term it is. A new game-changer that promises better energy management, improved route optimization, and enhanced sensing and data gathering; all with the brain being installed in an adaptive autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks.

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I’m Yusnaidi
A researcher at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. My research focus is using Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Particularly, adapting Machine Learning algorithms to optimized network lifetime in WSN.


Research Works
Technical Writing
Researching While Learning

If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.

Little R & D
Wireless Communications
Mobile Computing & Systems Programming
WSN Machine Learning Algorithms
TinyOS Motes Simulation
OMNet++ Castalia Simulation
Flutter Mobile Design

Why Self-Learning Sensor Networks?

Optimize Energy Prediction
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Auto-adjust Radio Scheduling
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Intelligent Channel Allocation
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Efficient Data Security
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Improve Link Management
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Self-Configured Route Updates
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Autonomous Network Reconfiguring
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Adaptive Data Gathering
Machine Learning (ML) is the state-of-the-art of the techniques. While enhancing sensor communications, ML is the brain to let sensors decide actions that efficiently prolong the lifetime of the networks.

Strategic Network Requires Intelligent Learning.

Research Results

Humans Life are Saved
Hazardous events such as earthquake, flash-flood, and haze are detected and protected at the early stage of occurrence.

Contagious Diseases are Contained
Contagious diseases such as COVID-19, AIDS, and Flu spread are contained from spreading.

Endangered Species are Protected
Existing research in WSNs help prolong the existence of Malayan Tigers in Asian Tropical forest and preserved their habitat sheltering.

Human Life and Environmental Monitoring using Sensor Networks improved further by over 20% while employing machine learning algorithms.”
MIT Technology Review

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"Two are Better Than One". I believe Bigger Mind Sparks Bigger Idea. Let's be a Team, because we are already a Family. Let's talk research. Let's share research. I would loved to learn new things, explore new possibilities, collaborate new research, improve knowledge skills, and learn from YOU!
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