Teaching Courses
Wireless Communications
The course provides the introduction to the design and operation of wireless communication and networks through concepts, terminologies, performance analysis and industrial standards. It introduces wireless communication prerequisites including the fundamentals and present scenario. Additionally, this course also discusses on topics regarding wireless channels modelling (e.g. Radio Propagation over wireless channel and wireless channel modelling) Wireless Communication Techniques (e.g. source modelling, channel coding and modulation techniques are also presented. Networking fundamentals are also included in this course. Topics covered in Cellular networks are GSM, GPRS, CDMA2000, IMT-2000 & UMTS, LTE and mobile satellite communication. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and WIMAX are topics discussed in Ad-Hoc Networks. |
Mobile Computing & Systems Programming
This course introduces students to mobile computing and mobile computing development, with IoT and cloud enhancement to selected project works. A major focus is the overview and insight of the mobile computing, mobile user interface (MUI), and mobile programming. Key note features of the lectures include, the introduction to mobile technology, user interfaces and interaction for mobile devices, mobile location detection technologies using geographical mapping, interfaces for cloud computing (with a simple application of machine learning through mobile systems), mobile IoT systems, and data and information management (in particular for location-based services). Student will also learn about common paradigms in mobile computing such as mobile sensor computing, cloud interfacing, dynamic mobile data management, and geographical information systems localization with google mapping. On the other hand, the programming chapters introduce students with mobile application frameworks, in particular using the Dart Programming Language and Google’s Flutter UI toolkit supporting Android and iOS SDK. The mobile programming is designed to reinforce concepts covered in lectures, tailor to producing a simple smart mobile application. The course will also look at some current research in mobile computing. Students are then expected to learn, apply, and implement both concepts learned in class and labs on the given assignments and course project. |

Knowing worth sharing.
Yusnaidi, UTM

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"Two are Better Than One". I believe Bigger Mind Sparks Bigger Idea. Let's be a Team, because we are already a Family. Let's talk research. Let's share research. I would loved to learn new things, explore new possibilities, collaborate new research, improve knowledge skills, and learn from YOU!