+6 07 553 86 86 arazin@utm.my
FEM Shape Function Generator – MATLAB CODE

FEM Shape Function Generator – MATLAB CODE

1D Shape Function clear, clcsyms xq = 2; %order of poly (eg. quad–> q=2)L = 1; %create ux = a1 + a2x + …A1 = []; A0 = []; %temporary variablesux = 0;for i = 1:q+1aN = [‘a’ num2str(i)];syms(aN);ux = ux + aN*x^(i-1);A0 =...
FB Live [MSNM group] – Numerical Methods: How it works?

FB Live [MSNM group] – Numerical Methods: How it works?

In the live videos, I tried to explain how does numerical methods (in computational mechanics) work, in a general way of discussion.. Numerical methods always start ‘backward’ by having an assumed solution first, and some ways in the process, they try to...
Plotting deformation of frame structure (FEM)

Plotting deformation of frame structure (FEM)

This is a MATLAB code to plot a deformation of planar frame structure. Since the formulation involves transformation of local elements to a global system, plotting using a simple w(x) versus x is not possible.. We need to transform back the DOFs obtained in the global...
FEM – Bar Problem 1

FEM – Bar Problem 1

This program is to demonstrate the calculation of bar element in FEM. . % Clear previous data and graph clc; clear all; cla %Input E=200e6; % Young’s modulus (kN/m) A=0.04; % Area (m^2) L1=2.5; % Length 1st Element (m) L2=2.5; % Length 1st Element (m) P=10; %...