+6 07 553 86 86 arazin@utm.my

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Radial Basis Function (RBF)

Radial Basis Function (RBF)

Radial Basis Function (RBF)The radial basis function (RBF), also known as the Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM), is a meshfree method used to construct an interpolated function to fit a curve. It uses a set of radial basis functions to interpolate between nodal...

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Point Interpolation Method (PIM)

Point Interpolation Method (PIM)

The point interpolation method (PIM) is a meshfree method used for fitting a curve based on a set of nodal values at specified locations. The PIM uses polynomial interpolation to fit the curve, and the number of polynomial terms required increases with the number of...

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Library of Codes for Finite Elements

Library of Codes for Finite Elements

Bar | k1 = E*A/L * [1 -1 ; -1 1] r1 = [q*L/2 ; q*L/2]Beam | ka = 12*E*I/L^3 kb = 6*E*I/L^2 kc = 4*E*I/L kd = 2*E*I/L k1 = [ ka kb -ka kb; kb kc -kb kd; -ka -kb ka -kb; kb kd -kb kc] q1 = [q*L/2; q*L^2/12; q*L/2; -q*L^2/12]Truss | c = cos(B); s = sin(B);k1 = E*A/L*...

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Plotting deformation of frame structure (FEM)

Plotting deformation of frame structure (FEM)

This is a MATLAB code to plot a deformation of planar frame structure. Since the formulation involves transformation of local elements to a global system, plotting using a simple w(x) versus x is not possible.. We need to transform back the DOFs obtained in the global...

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This codes is to generate a set of truss structures with the arrangement as shown in the figure. . clear, clc, clf Lx = 5; Nx = 25; Ly = 0.5; Ny = 5; t = 0.1; Slimit = 1000; %CREATE NODES [X,Y]=meshgrid(0:Lx/Nx:Lx,0:Ly/Ny:Ly); X=X'; Y=Y'; nodes = [X(1:end)'...

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FEM – Bar Problem 1

FEM – Bar Problem 1

This program is to demonstrate the calculation of bar element in FEM. . % Clear previous data and graph clc; clear all; cla %Input E=200e6; % Young's modulus (kN/m) A=0.04; % Area (m^2) L1=2.5; % Length 1st Element (m) L2=2.5; % Length 1st Element (m) P=10; % Point...

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