I am a senior lecturer at the Language Academy, with a PhD in Education, specialising in applied drama in English language learning, language teaching and teacher training. I am former Assistant Dean (External & Global Engagement) for the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, and former Deputy Director of UTM Office of Corporate Affairs, specialising in branding and communication. My PhD in Education is from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, where my research developed the fields of Applied Drama in English language learning, and reflective practice.
I am a native speaker English Language lecturer and teacher trainer with over twenty years’ teaching experience teaching and managing students in three different countries – Malaysia, the UK, and New Zealand, from diverse nationalities, age groups, and professions. My Bachelor of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) was earned from the University of Exeter, UK, and I was awarded Master of Education (TESL) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
My main research interests are in the developing field of drama in ESL/ELT. I am also interested in Second Language Acquisition as a whole, and developing ESL in Malaysia.
If you are looking to do a PhD or Masters in Education (M.Ed) in the following fields, please contact me to discuss how we can work together:
i) Using drama to teach language
ii) Creative teaching strategies in language teaching and learning
iii) Language teaching in general
iv) Reflective practice
v) Critical reflection
vi) Action research
vii) Qualitative research
I can be contacted at abdullahmnawi@utm.my for further enquiry.
Key Methodologies
- Qualitative research
- Practice-based research
- Reflective practice
- Action research
- Arts-based research
- Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) – Life Member
- Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia – Life Member
- Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia – Life Member
- Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) – Certified Trainer
- AMN Inspire Training & Consultancy – CEO
Recent Publications
Yee, B.C., Abdullah, T., & Mohd Nawi, A., (2022). Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflective Practice Through an Analysis of Six-Stage Framework in Reflective Journals. Reflective Practice, 23 (5), 552-564
Yee, B.C., Abdullah, T., & Mohd Nawi, A., (2022). Potential Disruptive Innovation: Online Learning of Public Speaking Courses in Higher Education. Foresight – The Journal of Future Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, 24(3/4), 445-455
Abdul Qawi Noori, Sayeed Naqibullah Orfan, Abdullah Mohd Nawi, (2021). Students’ Perception of Lecturers’ Behaviors in the Learning Environment. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 9(3), 64-69
Ibrahim, H., Mohd Nawi, A., Ali, A. (2020). Desire Under the Elms and the Emperor Jones are the Pictures of Tragic Conflict By Eugene O’Neill in Modern American Drama. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(06), 7773-7779
Ibrahim, H., Mohd Nawi, A., Ali, A. (2020). The Use Of Metaphor as a Tool in Depicting Tragedy in the Literary Works of Eugene O’Neill. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(01), 793-796
Ibrahim, H., Mohd Nawi, A., Ali, A. (2020). The Iceman Cometh and The Hairy Ape are the Forms of Metaphorical Expressions by Eugene O’Neill’s Views In Modern American Drama. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(06), 7932 – 7936
Ibrahim, H., Mohd Nawi, A., Ali, A. (2019). The Depiction Of Metaphorical Aspects In The Selected Literary Work By The American Dramatist Eugene O’Neill. International Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering. 8(8), 568-571
Ibrahim, H., Mohd Nawi, A., Ali, A. (2019) The Depiction Of Tragedy And Psychological Aspects In The Selected Plays Of The American Dramatist Eugene O’Neill. International Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering. 8(2S), 519-522
Yee, B.C., Abdullah, T., & Mohd Nawi, A., (2019) Written Journal To Promote Reflective Thinking Among Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering. 8(1C2), 589-593
Ali, S., Nawi, A.M., Rajab, A. (2018) Poetry Guided Speaking. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 278-286
Bee Choo. Y., Abdullah. T., & Nawi, A.M (2018) Digital Storytelling to Unlock Reflective Practice in the Classroom. Asian Social Science, 14(11), 52-58
Bee Choo. Y., Abdullah. T., & Nawi, A.M (2018) Learning To Teach: Patterns Of Reflective Practice In Written Journal. LSP International Journal, 5(2), 49-57.
Yee, B.C., Abdullah, T, & Nawi, A.M. (2017) Influencing Anxiety in English Oral Presentation Through Technology Among the Undergraduates. Advanced Science Letters. 23(9). 9152-9156
Yee, B.C., Abdullah, T, & Nawi, A.M. (2017) Incorporating Digital Story In Children’s Literature Among Pre-Service Teachers, Man In India, 97(12), 109-117
Yee, B.C., Abdullah, T, & Nawi, A.M. (2016) Facebook: A Tool To Engage Students In Meaning Making Of Shakespearean Drama, Man In India, 96(6), 1765-1776
Bee Choo, Y., Nawi, A. M., & Abdullah, T. (2016) Supporting and Improving Reflective Practice among Pre-Service Teachers Through WhatApp. Jurnal Pendidikan Nusantara (Special Edition April 2016), 53-72.
Citra Karisma 2021 – Publication Award: Writer in Indexed Journals
Toastmasters International – Advanced Communicator Silver Award, 2019
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2018, Canseleri, UTM
Service Excellence Award 2018, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Toastmasters International – Advanced Communicator Bronze Award, 2017
Toastmasters International – Competent Communicator Award, 2014
Champion, Area A2 Toastmasters International Speech Competition 2014/2015
MELTA Excellence in English Language Education Research Award (Bronze) for Teacher Trainer/Academician category 2014
Winner, Thesis-in-Three, Malaysian Postgraduate Association of Canterbury, NZ, 2013
Winner, Research-in-Three, College of Education, University of Canterbury, NZ, 2012
National Champion (Team), Parliamentary-style Teachers’ Debates, 2005
National Champion (Team), Parliamentary-style Inter-Teacher Training College Debates, 1999
PhD Theses Examined
Tahani R. K. Bsharat (2023) Insights Into Utilizing Educational Cooperative Drama for Palestinian 7th Graders’ Speaking Skills in a War-Torn Jenin City, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Nadhim Ali (2022) The Use of Language Learning Strategies Among EFL Learners in Perparatory Schools in Iraq, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Anmol, K.T (2021) Learning for Development: Factors that lead to successful development projects for marginalised communities affected by climate change in Bangladesh, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Alchaimi, A.G.M (2021) The Impact of Identity Crisis and Hysteria in Reconstruction of Plath’s Identity: Psychoanalytic Perspective, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Al-Farttoosi, R.A.M (2021) Hybridity, Ambivalence and Identity in Selected Short Stories by Nadine Gordimer and Ama Ata Aidoo, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Kabir, S.M (2020) Listen up or lose out! Policy and practice of listening skills in English language education in Bangladesh, University of Canterbury, New Zealand