I have been teaching this courses for the past 10 years and I am enjoying the moments as this is my expertise. In respect of these I am focusing on plant tissue culture related knowledge from designing the facility, preparation of chemicals and media (solid and liquid) and how to handle plant tissue sample in laminar air flow until the generation of in vitro plantlet using somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. The preparation of plant growth regulators, amino acids stock, MS media were included as well as the preparation of consumables prior to culturing the explants. The aseptic techniques and surface sterilization techniques before actual hand on in laminar air flow were also included. The role of plant growth regulators that affected the callusing from rice mature seed, characterization of embryogenic plant cell based on morphological and SEM were employed. The development of suspension cell were also included. At the end of semester, hopefully the students would experienced how to initiate plants from single cell in vitro.