Delegates from Johor Baharu Health District Office had visited Biocompost Community-Link Projects at Bioscience Department, T02 Building on 20th January 2022. During the visits, they learned the equipment’s involved in making compost and the layout of Hugel Culture as well as suitable plants grown for edible garden.
I have been teaching this courses for the past 10 years and I am enjoying the moments as this is my expertise. In respect of these I am focusing on plant tissue culture related knowledge from designing the facility, preparation of chemicals and media (solid and liquid) and how to handle plant tissue sample in laminar air flow until the generation of in vitro plantlet using somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. The preparation of plant growth regulators, amino acids stock, MS media were included as well as the preparation of consumables prior to culturing the explants. The aseptic techniques and surface sterilization techniques before actual hand on in laminar air flow were also included. The role of plant growth regulators that affected the callusing from rice mature seed, characterization of embryogenic plant cell based on morphological and SEM were employed. The development of suspension cell were also included. At the end of semester, hopefully the students would experienced how to initiate plants from single cell in vitro.

The challenging began when the 2nd phase of Pandemic COVID19 occurred in the country. During this time, the courses had been running through hybrid learning (online and f2f). All the lectures were online (webex/ gmeet) while the laboratory sessions has manage to conduct face to face. The course emphasize the integrative disciplines that answers questions about plant. The practical and laboratory session had completed but the psychomotor assessment were conduced online. The students were required to do the test with recording video. Eventhough it seems not possible, but they managed to finished it on time. Good job!!!

The Community Link Biocompost Open Laboratory has received visitor from Majlis Bandaraya Iskandar Puteri, MBJB, FELDA,CREST (Educity Iskandar Puteri), TERAJU and PPNJ. The project embarks on the use of effective microbial consortium lead by Dr Huszalina Hussin on more optimum odorless composting processes. The community link biocompost open laboratory project was led by Dr Nurriza Ab. Latif with members including me, Dr Huszalina Hussien, Dr Azman Abd Samad & Dr Raihana Ridzuan, 4 assistant science officer (Noor Hidayah Mohd Nooh, Wan Aznida Wan Mohd Anuar, Muhammad Shahril Sazali & Mohd Hasrul Ishak) and one each from assistant engineer (Nazirul Mubin Normanshah) and one clerk (Miss Zaleha Jaafar). The compost production were used for vegetables and herbs planting on plant planters. The plant planters and compost bin (green compost bin and tumbler) has been sponsored by MBIP. The projects also has been financed by TIF by ICC, UTM. In the new future, we hope that these facility will be used as references for biocompost training hub for interested parties.
The remarkable UTM philosophy that is the divine law of Allah is the foundation for science and technology became benchmark for my teaching philosophy. Others than that the slogan of UTM is “ KERANA TUHAN UNTUK MANUSIA” has been acted as my core believe when I came to work every day, I teach in the awareness of Allah as my complete submission and with that I learn, I understand and I teach for His sake. That is the reason why Allah SWT has given the important word related to the knowledge to our prophet Muhammad Rasulullah SAW which was “Iqra” (Read) Therefore, because of the crucially importance of the knowledge to the humankind in this world, a great teaching practices is very important to be applied and I believe that, teaching is not just only deliver and convey the knowledge to the students but also involve integration to many things including self-attitude, enthusiasm, objectives, career, passion, technologies, patience etc. ‘
I believe that all students are unique and shall have fair educational environment and system where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential before going for employment. I believe we need to be patient in guiding the students and while the assessment may not specifically resemble the output of understanding of student learning. I also believe each student have unique capability to understand the content of subject taught in the classroom. I will be varying the teaching approach to suit the subjects that I teach. I do encourage students to understand the basic concepts rather than memorize. At the beginning of my class, I always brief the CI content. Since I must be knowledgeable in the subject, reading newest technologies or new theory in related to the topics are crucial. Finally, I hope that I can inculcate as many as possible knowledge that can be practice in their teaching environment and life.
Workshops and Training
As a member of IBC, I have been involved a 2 days workshop to initiate an comprehensive SOP for Biosafety Act (2007) implemented at UTM laboratories. The participants came from various faculties (Faculty of Science, almost 60% of participants) and ICA Pagoh (left photo). I hope that this initiative will strengthen the role of IBC at UTM and serve as adviser platform for any modern biotechnology research concerning GMO/LMO. The “Unlocking Potential” courses by Prof Rose Alinda was an interesting and wonderful event. The course content had guide me to unlock the hidden potential as administrator and also the soul of UTM academician.
Permaculture Project
Permaculture is the development of agriculture ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self sufficient. Me and Dr Huszalina Hussin from Bioscience Department as well as School of Education team, lead by Dr Husna went to permaculture garden at Jalan Jingga 1, Taman pelangi hosted by Shirin on 2nd September 2020. I am very happy for the determination and commitment shown by Shirin as the founder of the precious garden.
Community Service Project; Horizon Hill for Hugelculture Project
The Hugelculture sharing session was conducted with twice. For Phase 1; the UTM and MBIP team assisting the community how to set up the grow tong for Hugelculture on July 2020. While for 2nd phase, how to do composting of kitchen waste at home was shared among community on August 2020. A total of 4 academic staff and 5 non academic staff from Department of Bioscience had joined this project. This project was sponsored by Majlis Bandaraya Iskandar Puteri. Thanks to En Safwan Shaari and his team.
Composting Project at Department of Bioscience, T02 Building
Demonstration of composting project with colleagues for Green Urban Farming. The project has been set up to transfer knowledge about plant based composting and its practices for urban farming of selected community. We regularly conducted composting activity each week by adding new kitchen waste into compost bin. The matured compost will be used for vegetables planting. Current Projects