Assalammualaikum wbt dan selamat pagi ??

” For each new morning, let there be flow of love.

Let there be light of happiness in every direction. “

Ts. Dr. Dayana Farzeeha Ali


Assalammualaikum wbt dan selamat pagi ?

Happy Sunday ❤️❤️

” Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality.

UPGRADE your conviction to match your destiny. “

Stuart Scott

Is life always about balance?

Yes! It is. The world exists because there is a balance, a balance slightly in favor of stabilizing forces as opposed to destabilizing forces, a balance slightly in favor of matter as opposed to anti-matter, a balance slightly in favor of goodness as opposed to evil.

And so it is with life: it exists because there is a dynamic balance between love and hatred so that overall, love is more than hatred; because compassion is more than cruelty, because truth is more than falsehood. All these opposing forces are always and eternally here, but the net balance is always in favor of the forces of goodness as opposed to the forces of evil. That’s why the world exists, that’s why life exists. 

Happy Women’s Day 2021!

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.

Women are inspirations for others in so many ways. They wonderfully manage both their personal as well as professional lives.

Happy Women’s Day 2021!


Assalammualaikum dan selamat pagi ???

” Stay positive and strong, even when it feels like everything in your life is falling apart.

Your efforts will soon be REWARDED. “

Ts. Dr. Dayana Farzeeha Ali