Happy Chinese New Year

sempena cuti tahun baru cina, mengambil kesempatan utk berjalan2 ke singapura yg mana hampir 3 tahun tidak ke sini. byk perubahan pesat. kalau dulu belum ada flower dome n cloud forest di marina the garden ni.. jom layan gambar saya bersama keluarga 


Amanat tahun baru!!

Jom kita hadir beramai-ramai mendengar Amanat Tahun Baharu 2016 YBhg Datuk Naib Canselor yg akan diadakan seperti berikut :  
TARIKH : 11 JANUARI, 2016 m

MASA : 8.00 PAGI




Assalammualaikum w.b.t…

EDUCATOR…There’s no greater profession! I believe that education is the foundation of success and is a lifelong learning process. It shouldn’t be limited to classroom dictation and expectations. As an educator, I want to make a difference in education. All children should have the opportunity to receive the best education available to them no matter their social economic status or race. By providing a firm education, we pave the road toward future growth and development.