Project – UPP-UTM 2002-2003

Experimental Evaluation of Hybrid Software Engineering Methodology for Embedded Firmware Development on Intelligence Mobile Robot

June 2002 – September 2003 (1 Year 3 Months)

Ministry of High Education (MOHE)


Software development for embedded real-time systems is very much different from the traditional data processing systems due to non-functional requirements such as dependability and the presence of timing constraints. Special tools and appropriate methodologies are therefore highly desirable for the development of embedded real-time software. Previous work on developing control firmware of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia wall climbing robot, have faced with the problem of adopting a single software engineering methodology for developing the robot control firmware, a methodology called hybrid methodology was proposed. This software engineering methodology was tested on a wall climbing robot system under hardware-in-the-loop simulation and was found to be effective and the software produced, conformed to the requirements. However, a few questions are still need to be answered and measured in order to fully test the effectiveness of the hybrid methodology on actual embedded system. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the hybrid software engineering methodology for developing control firmware on actual system. An intelligence mobile robot was developed to serve as embedded real-time system platform. Two main outputs of this research is evaluation results on strengths and weaknesses of the hybrid software engineering methodology and identification of the phases in the methodology, which require automation and can be automated.