Vice-Chancellor’s Eid 1437 H.E. Address
Firstly, let us all give the highest praise to Allah s.w.t above all the grace and love, we are blessed with the opportunity to celebrate Idil Fitri this year. Let us celebrate 1st Syawal, the day of victory, with the utmost devotion, faith and gratitude through the supplications oftakbir, tahmid and tasbih, praising Almighty God for all His blessings and favours.
I believe the prayers and worship proffered throughout the holy month of Ramadhan Al-Mubarak have cleansed our soul and strengthened our character, making us a better and more positive person. Thus, with the arrival of 1st Syawal 1436 H.E., let us strengthen mutual ties, renew kinship, and thereby becoming united and moving collectively as one entity to contribute towards the development of human capital, exploration of knowledge and technology, enrichment of the culture of innovation as well as the advancement of the function of the University towards universal prosperity.
For those travelling back to their hometowns, be careful and be mindful of the law and road safety regulations while on the road. Take safety precautionary measures throughout this festive season. Do return safely to campus with renewed spirit to give our best in ensuring the continued excellence of UTM, for both present and future generations.
May the spirit of Ramadan continue to shape our lives in serving Allah Subhanahu Wataa’ala. In celebrating Eid ul-Fitr the prophet (pbuh) once said:
“Those who enliven the night of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha with the hope of pleasingAllah, verily will not suffer the demise of the heart on the day that all hearts perish”(Narrated by H.R. Muslim & Ibn Abbas)
In closing, my family and I would like to take this opportunity to seek forgiveness from all staff, students and the entire UTM community for any shortfalls and wrongdoings.
Happy Eid ul-Fitr, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
“Taqobbalallahu minna wa minkum”
Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid bin Omar