Bermula 4 September hingga 10 September 2016, YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor akan mengadakan lawatan kerja ke United Kingdom dalam rangka mengukuhkan kerjasama strategik UTM selain meneroka peluang kerjasama baharu dengan beberapa Universiti di sana. Lawatan beliau ke UK ini akan turut disertai oleh Pengarah UTM International, Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahaya. Antara agenda yang telah diatur sepanjang lawatan ini ialah pertemuan dua hala dengan Presiden Imperial College London, Professor Alice Gast, menandatangani pembaharuan kerjasama dengan University of Oxford, pertemuan dengan pengurusan kanan University of Leeds dan University of Southampton. Selain itu, YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor turut telah dijemput sebagai Speaker di World Technology Universities Congress (WTUC) di University of Bradford. Kongress yang merupakan kongres pertama dalam merangka penubuhan WTUC secara rasmi ini turut akan disertai oleh Presiden daripada beberapa buah universiti teknologi ternama dunia seperti Aalborg University, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Brunel University dan lain-lain lagi.
Commencing 4 September to 10 September 2016, the Hon. Vice Chancellor will be visiting the United Kingdom in order to strengthen UTM’s strategic cooperation besides exploring opportunities for new cooperation with several universities there. His visit to the UK will be accompanied by the Director of UTM International, Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahaya. Among the agenda during this visit is a bilateral meeting with the President of Imperial College London, Professor Alice Gast, a signing for further cooperation with the University of Oxford, and a meeting with the senior management of University of Leeds and University of Southampton. In addition, the Hon. Vice Chancellor has been invited as a speaker at the World Technology Universities Congress (WTUC), organised by the University of Bradford. The Congress, which is held for the first time, will be attended by the Presidents of the world’s leading technology universities such as Aalborg University, Nanyang Technological University, Brunel University and many others.