Bermula hari ini sehingga 13 Februari 2019, Datuk Naib Canselor akan mengetuai delegasi UTM dan UTMSPACE ke Kurdistan, Iraq. Antara program sepanjang lawatan ini ialah pertemuan dengan Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi dan Penyelidikan Saintifik Kurdistan bagi membincangkan agenda pengukuhan Kampus Francais UTM yang telah beroperasi di sana.
Sebagai makluman, UTM telah berjaya menubuhkan Kampus Francais yang pertama di luar negara menerusi satu kerjasama strategik dengan Qaiwan University, Kurdistan. Sehingga kini, seramai 128 orang mahasiswa telah mendaftar dan mengikuti 4 program pengajian peringkat sarjana muda yang ditawarkan oleh Sekolah Perniagaan Antarabangsa Azman Hashim, Sekolah Komputeran dan Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan. Mereka telah memulakan pengajian mereka bagi sesi II, 2018/19.
Selain itu, Datuk Naib Canselor juga telah dijemput untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan kepakaran dalam satu forum anjuran sebuah siaran televisyen di sana berkaitan “Globalizing the higher education in Kurdistan region”. Datuk Naib Canselor juga dijadual mengadakan pertemuan dengan pengurusan tertinggi Qaiwan Group dan beberapa siri pertemuan dan lawatan lain di sana. Siri kunjungan ke wilayah Kurdistan ini amat penting dalam meneroka beberapa potensi lain dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi dan seterusnya mengukuhkan jenama pendidikan tinggi Malaysia di Iraq dan negara-negara di timur tengah.
Commencing from today until 13 February 2019, the UTM Vice-Chancellor is heading a UTM and UTMSPACE delegation to Kurdistan, Iraq. One of the programmes lined up during the visit is an appointment with the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan to discuss strengthening of the UTM Franchise campus which is operating in Kurdistan since last year.
For those who are not aware, UTM has managed to establish the first Franchise Campus oversea through a strategic partnership with Qaiwan University, Kurdistan. At present, there are 128 students who have registered and are now following 4 programs at the undergraduate level offered by the Azman Hashim International Business School, School of Computing, and the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. The students started their studies in Semester II, 2018/2019.
Besides that, the Vice Chancellor has also been invited to share his expertise and experience in a forum organized by a television station on “Globalizing the higher education in Kurdistan region”. The Vice Chancellor is also scheduled to meet the top management of Qaiwan Group, and a few other meetings and visits during the trip. The visit to Kurdistan region is very important in exploring other potentials in higher education which will pave the way towards strengthening the Malaysian higher education brand in Iraq and other Middle East countries.