Bermula hari ini sehingga 26 Januari 2019, Datuk Naib Canselor akan menyertai lawatan rasmi Yang Berhormat Menteri Pendidikan ke United Kingdom. Antara pengisian sepanjang acara ini ialah lawatan ke British Educational Training and Technology Show 2019 Exhibition di London dan beberapa pertemuan dengan mahasiswa Malaysia di sana. Selain itu, delegasi YBM juga akan turut mengadakan lawatan ke University of Sheffield di mana satu pertemuan dengan Naib Canselor dan pengurusan tertinggi universiti tersebut akan turut diadakan. Delegasi ini juga akan mengadakan lawatan ke The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) yang merupakan sebuah pusat bertaraf dunia yang berfokuskan penyelidikan industri dan pembangunan teknologi yang dibangunkan menerusi kerjasama strategik antara Universitiy of Sheffield dan syarikat Boeing. Ia disusuli dengan satu lagi lawatan ke Dyson Ltd dan Dyson Institute. Lawatan yang telah dirancang tersebut merupakan salah satu inisiatif bagi mengukuhkan hubungan kerjasama di antara negara Malaysia dan United Kingdom terutamanya dalam bidang kejuruteraan dan pembuatan.

Commencing from today until January 26, 2019, the UTM Vice-Chancellor will join the official visit of the Honourable Minister of Education to the United Kingdom. Among the programmes during the event are a working visit to the British Educational Training and Technology Show 2019 Exhibition in London, and a few meetings with Malaysian students there. In addition, the YBM delegation will also be visiting the University of Sheffield where a meeting with the Vice-chancellor and top management of the university will be held. The delegation will also be visiting the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) – a world class centre focussing on industrial research and technology development. This centre was developed through a strategic collaboration between the University of Sheffield and Boeing. The delegation will then visit Dyson Ltd and Dyson Institute. The scheduled visits above is one of the initiatives to strengthen the cooperation between Malaysia and the United Kingdom especially in the areas of engineering and manufacturing.