by Habibah @ Norehan Haron | Feb 14, 2020 | Application-based, Self-development programs
Pelbagai aktiviti tahun 2019 telah dilaksanakan. Antaranya memupuk semangat sukarelawan di kalangan pelajar UTM. Program-program yang telah dilaksanakan berjaya memberi impak positif kepada pelajar-pelajar yang turut serta menjayakannya. Antara lainnya mereka berupaya...
by Habibah @ Norehan Haron | Jan 13, 2020 | Community Service, Networking and Collaboration, Self-development programs, Uncategorized
A message from the organizer, Feeding The Needy (FTN): Terima kasih Dr Habibah HN Haron for organising this activities for the street kids 💕 Pada minggu lepas, sesi agihan kebiasaan kami di FTN dimeriahkan lagi dengan kehadiran team dari Institute Engineering...
by habibah @ norehan | Aug 18, 2019 | Publication, Self-development programs
…. being a successful leader is not about the job title or designation but rather, it is about one’s skills sets. This article is published in Jurutera Buletin, August 2019, pages 16-19...
by habibah @ norehan | Oct 24, 2016 | Other, Self-development programs
Enjoying myself in the productive workshop ‘WEB 2.0 FOR T&L: SOCIAL MEDIA & BLOG’ by CTL UTMLead.