First Collaboration

PTX/TMZ drug taken from UPM lab and stored at -4°C in an insulated icebox The first collaboration of research activity is coming from UPM. I am collaborating with PM Ts. Dr. Amir Syahir to study PTX/TMZ drug release embedded in electrospun nanofiber. We are looking at...

Research Group

It is a must for any lecturer in Research University to have a research group. It is where we can gather a few individuals in similar/related interest areas into one group. As my principle, the background in the past is not important. The vision is what the future...

Chasing deadlines

During a briefing with the SBEHS committee on my first day (1 Aug), the School’s chairman mentioned about UTM-Encouragement Research (UTM-ER) grant application opportunity for new academic staff like me. However, the deadline is just around the corner (5 Aug)....