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Judge @ International Science & Invention Fair

organized by Indonesian Young Scientist Association

“By looking at the development and knowledge of children today about science, invention and innovation, especially in the field of science, it requires us to know the extent of the student’s insights, knowledge and abilities in applying their knowledge of science. Therefore, our Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) Indonesia will hold an international-level Invention competition called “International Science and Invention Fair (ISIF)” as the right learning platform to nurture our young talented inventors who are active, creative and innovative. Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) is an institution that moves on the development of the potential, talents and creativity of the Indonesian students on competition and non-scientific competition domestically or abroad. Therefore, IYSA stands as a form of our deep concern provide opportunities for Indonesian students specifically, in order to bring up potential and the skills needed and soul-building competition in themselves. We do this to create improvements in life. Because, we believe that every student has potential which can be developed”

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Date: 12-14 Aug 2022 | Venue: Amerald Resort Hotel, Pangerang | Organizer: UTM Center for Student Innovation & Technology Entrepreneurship



Elsevier Reviewer Recognition

International Journal of Management Education

A forum for scholarly reporting and discussion of developments in all aspects of teaching and learning in business and management. The Journal seeks reflective papers which bring together pedagogy and theories of management learning; descriptions of innovative teaching which include critical reflection on implementation and outcomes

As of June 2022

IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society

Board of Governors Member | Regional Leader | Publication Committee | WiE Committee

BoG Meeting, Dubai UAE
BoG Meeting, California LA
The 6th meeting of the IEEE-TEMS regional leaders at Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria Egypt
Panelist speaker at Women in Technology Summit 2022
BoG Meeting
Date: 21 May 2022
Date: 30 July 2022
IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Conference – Asia Pacific (TEMSCON-ASPAC 2022)  at Hyatt Regency Sukhumvit Bangkok, Thailand