Hydrodynamic simulation within port limit of PTP and establishment of Johor Port Authority marine data centre (2015-2016) – COEI and Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI) Client: Johor Port Authority Scope of work: Data collection and analysis
Pembekalan data marin dan analisis CFD ship wake di Sg Kilim Geoforest, Langkawi (2015) – Marine Technology Center (MTC, UTM) Client: NAHRIM Scope of work: data collection and ship wake analysis
Kurikulum Islamic University of Medinah (IUM) – 2014/2015 – FKA Client: IUM Scope of Work: Course outline development
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Bandar Baru Kijal, Kemaman in 2013/14 Client: Majlis Perbandaran Kemaman Scope of Work: Report and analysis on Hydrology and climate.
DEIA – Offshore Tin Mining off Kuala Sungai Baru Melaka Client: UPEN Melaka Scope of work: Hydraulics study – hydrodynamics simulation and data collection
Projek Pembaikan Alam Sekitar dan Tebatan Banjir Lembah Kelang, October 2002 – Dec 2003 Client: JPS Scope of Work: Physical Model for Proposed Rubbish Trap at Sg Klang (Padang Jawa) and Sg. Pandan Indah.
National Coastal Vulnerability Index (NCVI), August 2006 – 2007 – COEI UTM. (VOT 63031) Client: JPS Scope of Work: Data collection on 2 pilot sites, Tanjung Piai and Langkawi: Tide, wave and storm analysis