To proceed with this, consider that you have all the clean data (complete marks), and you have an account to login the OBE system.
(1) The vpn page of getting permission to access from outside of UTM. (2) Select the link of OBE. (3) Login into the OBE system. (4) To start, choose the report should be under the full-time or part-time programmes. (5) Import the setting from existing (previous) report for the subject. (6) Select any related subject available. (7) Edit or update the types of assessments. (8) To get the list of students from aimsweb automatically. (9) List of students with all columns as designed in (7) (10) From step (8), insert the student’s marks in bulk. (11) Some part of the report that may requires a comment. (12) Final page of the raw report. (13) Some parts are compulsory to be filled in. Here, the report will be generated. (14) The OBE report is ready to be printed and saved.
Additional tips for step (10), make sure that all data in your excel file are arranged in columns that exactly based on the sequence of assessments in step (7).