Curriculum vitae










Name                                                 : Nooraini Othman

Sex                                                     : Female

Race                                                   : Malay

Nationality                                      : Malaysian

Marital Status                                : Married

Office Address                               : Perdana Centre, Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics,

                                                            Level 6, Menara Razak

                                                            Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,

                                                            Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,

                                                            54100 Kuala Lumpur.

Telephone No (Office)                : 603-21805157



  • 2004 – 2008

Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Psychology)

International Islamic University Malaysia


  • 2015 – 2017

Master of  Social Science (Counselling Psychology)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



  • 2001 – 2003

Master of  Education (Educational Psychology)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


  • 1989 – 1993

Bachelor of Economics (Hons.)

International Islamic University Malaysia



  • 1993-1997             


Department of Statistics Economics,

Faculty of Economics,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


  •  1999-2000


Kolej Islam Johor


  • 2003 – 2009           


Department of Foundation of Education

Faculty of Education

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


  •  2009 – 2010  

Senior Lecturer

Department of Foundation of Education

Faculty of Education

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


  • 2010 – 2013           

Senior Lecturer

Perdana School of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur


  •  2013 – 2015                

Deputy Director

Counselling Centre

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur


  • 2013 – present      

Associate Professor

Perdana Centre

Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur




  •  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1993-1997)            
  1.  Additional Mathematics
  2.   Statistics


  •   Kolej Islam Johor (1999-2000)
  1.  Islamic Economics (CTU241)
  2.  Microeconomics (ECO162)
  3.  Macroeconomics (ECO211)
  4.  Bussiness Mathematics (MAT140)


  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2003-current)


  1. Educational Psychology (SPP1012)
  2. Philosophy of Education (SPP1002)
  3. Deviant Behaviour (SPP4132)
  4. Introduction to Psychology (SHY1013)
  5. Social Psychology (SPP4032)



  1.  Advanced Educational Psychology (MPF1143)
  2.  Seminar on Current Issues in Education (MPU1000)
  3.  Behaviour Disorder (MPF1113)
  4.  Psychology of Growth & Development (LPP1232)
  5.  Introduction to Islamic Psychology (MPF1183)
  6.  Islamic Psychology (PPF3103)
  7.  Theories of Motivation (MPF1103)
  8.  Humanity, Ethics & Culture (MFT1033)
  9. Innovative Personality (MFFT2323)
  10. Research Methodology (USF0010)



 Undergraduate – Bachelor of Education (Honours) Students

  • Yaakob Ibrahim (2004).(The Relationship Between Student’s Performance and Environmental Influence in Automotive Technology Subject in the Pulau Pinang Technical School). Hubungan di antara prestasi pelajar dengan pengaruh persekitaran terhadap matapelajaran Teknologi Automotif di Sekolah Menengah Teknik di Pulau Pinang. (Completed)
  • Sureshkumar a/l Kesavalu (2004). (The Relationship between Learning Styles and Academic Achievement among UTM Students). Hubungan di antara gaya pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar UTM. (Completed)
  • Khairul Anuar Bin Abd Rahman(2008). (The Relationship Between Lecturers’ Competence and Students’ Achievement). Hubungan antara kompetensi pensyarah dengan pencapaian pelajar. (Completed)
  • Siti Fatimah Bt Johari (2008). (Factors influencing the Aborigin Students’ Achievements at Sek. Ren. Keb. Sg. Kiol, Jerantut, Pahang).Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar Orang Asli di Sek. Ren.  Keb. Sg Kiol, Jerantut, Pahang. (Completed)
  • Siti Soleha Bt Misman (2008). (Factors Influencing Students’ Interest in the Field of Entrepreneurship). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat pelajar terhadap bidang Keusahawanan. (Completed)
  • Mohd Nur Alham Norhasim (2008). (Steps in Enhancing the Interest and Motivation of Students Towards Teaching Profession). Langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan minat dan motivasi pelajar terhadap profesion keguruan. (Completed)
  • Lee Bee Theng(2008). (Students’ Perceptions Towards Teaching and Learning the Subject of Living Skills Using the English Language).Persepsi pelajar terhadap pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek Kemahiran Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggeris.(Completed)
  • Ja’ranah Bt Haji Jaafar (2010). (Parental Perceptions Towards Truancy).Persepsi Ibu Bapa Terhadap ponteng Sekolah. (Completed)
  • P Suriyakumary a/p Palaniyandi (2010). (The Leadership Styles of Head Masters).Gaya Kepimpinan Guru Besar.(Completed)
  • Siti Hadijah Bt. Hj Mispan (2010). (Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Process in the Living Skill Subject Laboratory). Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberkesanan proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di dalam Bengkel Kemahiran Hidup. (Completed)
  • Erniey Hasmieza Bt. Omar (2010). (Readiness Level amongLiving Skill Subject Teachers in Teaching Electronics).Tahap Kesediaan Guru Kemahiran Hidup Mengajar dalam Bidang Elektronik. (Completed)
  • Ha Kah Ling (2010). (Degree of Mastery among Non-Specialised Teacher in Living Skill Subject in Teaching the Subject of Integrated Living Skill).Tahap Penguasaan Guru Bukan Opsyen Kemahiran Hidup Mengajar Subjek Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu. (Completed)
  • Leow Run Li (2010). (The Use of E-Learning among the Bachelor of Technology and Education Students).Penggunaan E-Learning dalam Kalangan Pelajar Sarjana Muda Teknologi serta Pendidikan. (Completed)
  • Yek Leh Chiong (2010). (Knowledge and Practicing Level among the UTM Students towards the Concept of Life Long Learning).Tahap Pengetahuan dan Pengamalan Pelajar UTM Terhadap Konsep Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat. (Completed).
  • Nor Idahwati Bt. Mohd Noor (2010). (The Relationship Between Islamic Personality, Attitude and Students’ Academic Achievement). Hubungan antara Personaliti Islamik, Sikap dan Pencapaian Akademik Pelajar. (Completed)


Postgraduate (Master)

  • Wan Noraini Wan Razab (2009). (The Relationship Between Level of Motivation and Cause of Stress among Teachers Who Further Their Studies). Hubungan antara Tahap Motivasi dengan Punca Tekanan Guru yang Melanjutkan Pengajian. (Completed)
  • Ewe Siew Peng (2010). Factors influencing Children’s Academic Achievement from Ecological Perspective. (Completed).
  • Kong Bee Leng (2010). The Relationship Between Self-Concept, Intrinsic Motivation, Self-Determination and Academic Performance of the Primary School Students. (Completed)
  • Khesavarthini A/P Mamickam (2010). The Learning Styles and Achievement of Students in Using Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (VAK) Modality. (Completed)
  • Halimatusa’diah Binti Subari (2011). (The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Students’ Academic Achievement). Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dan Pencapaian Akademik Pelajar. (Completed)
  • Shemala Devi A/P Doraisamy (2011). (The Relationship Between Environmental Factors and the Level of Self-Concept Development). Hubungan antara Faktor Persekitaran dengan Tahap Pembentukan Jati Diri. (Completed)
  • Salasiah Khairollah (2011). (Parenting Styles in influencing the Level of Students’ Islamic Personality). Gaya Keibubapaan yang mempengaruhi tahap Personaliti Islamik Pelajar. (Completed)
  • Mazlyana Buhari (2011). (The Effectiveness Level of the Islamic Education Subject in Developing Students Islamic Personality). Tahap Keberkesanan Pendidikan Islam dalam Pembentukan Personaliti Pelajar Islam. (Completed)
  • Noor Idahwati Mohd Noor (2013). (Development and Validation of Innovative Human Capital Personality Profile). Pembinaan dan Pengesahan Profil Ciri Personaliti Modal Insan Inovatif. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Wahidah Abd Gani (2014). (Profile of Psycho-Spiritual Personality Characteristics Among the Muslim Teenagers). Profil Ciri Personaliti Psiko-Spiritual dalam Kalangan Remaja Muslim. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Mohamad Affi Yusry (2016). (Attitude and Mindset towards Positive Achievements and Developments among the Malay and Non-Malay Children  in Kampong Bahru) Sikap & Mentaliti Anak Melayu dan Bukan Melayu terhadap Pencapaian Positif dan Kemajuan Kampong Bharu. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Siti Aishah Abd Rahman (2017). (Traditional Treatment Module  for Post-Partum Depression) Modul Rawatan Tradisional dalam merawat Kemurungan Selepas Bersalin. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Siti Noor Kamariah Yaakob (2018). (Relationship Between the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education Program with Student’s Interest Towards Entrepreneurship among Students of UniKL) Hubungan Antara Keberkesanan Program Pendidikan Keusahawanan Dengan Minat Pelajar Terhadap Keusahawanan dalam Kalangan Pelajar UniKL. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Nurul Amirah Hamzah (2018). (Causes and Factors of Human Trafficking in Malaysia) Punca dan Faktor Pemerdagangan Manusia di Malaysia. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Muhammad Amirul Ashraaf Norman (2018). (Factor, Effect and Religious Practice Towards Pornography Behaviour among Students) Faktor, Kesan dan Amalan Beribadah terhadap Tingkah Laku Pornografi dalam Kalangan Pelajar. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Mohamad Syaffiq Izuan Mohd Satar (2018). (Effects of Media Social Addiction Towards Emotional Stability and Identity Crisis among the Students)  Kesan Ketagihan Media Sosial terhadap Kestabilan Emosi dan Krisis Identiti Pelajar. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)


Postgraduate (PhD)

  • Roya Koochak Entezar (2013). Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence And Social Support Among Mothers Of Children With Mild Intellectual Disability. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Reza Nazeri (2017). Relationship Between Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy and Atmosphere of Class on Students Mathematical Progress in Iran. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Sumaya Mohamed Saleh (2016). A Phenomenological Study of the Converts Cognitives and Religious Experiences. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Zalina Mohd Tahir (2014). (The Quality Assessment of the Kuala Lumpur Secondary School Extra-Curricular  Advising Teacher).Penilaian Kualiti Pengurusan Guru Penasihat Kokurikulum Sekolah Menengah di Kuala Lumpur. Co-Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Wardatul Aishah Musa (2016). (The Extra-Curricular as a mediating factor in the Development of Islamic Personality Among the Muslim Youth in Malaysia). Ko-kurikulum sebagai faktor perantaraan (mediating factor) dalam pembentukan personaliti Islami dalam kalangan remaja Islam di Malaysia. Main Supervisor. (Completed)
  • Elna Herawati Che Ismail (September 2012). Psychological approach in managing Muscular Dystrophy patients in Malaysia. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Mohd Afifuddin Mohamad (2016). Ruqya Spiritual Method as a Theraputic Intervention Medium in Depression and its Effect in Treatment. Main Supervisor (Completed)
  • Mustafa Tekke (2016). The Development & Validation of an Islamic Personality Inventory. Co-Supervisor (Candidate from IIUM). (Completed)
  • Fazni Mat Arifin (2018). Negotiation Approach in the Proposed National Halal Policy Making process. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Nurul ‘Ain Ahmad (2018). Personal Data Handling and Its Relationship between Practice and Knowledge. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Yuzlina Mohd Yusop (2018). Individual Participation in Waste Separation and Recycling Practices among Household in Kuala Lumpur. Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Ruslan Anwar Md Salleh (2018). (Topic-Yet to be finalised). Main Supervisor. (In Progress)
  • Muhammad Abdullahi (2018). (Topic – Yet to be finalised). Main Supervisor. (In Progress)




  • Chua Sim Huat (2018). Relationship Between Selected School Environment Factors and Burnout among Secondary School Counselors in Sarawak: The Role of Self Efficacy as Mediator. (PhD – Human Resource Development) – UNIMAS External Examiner
  • Zaiton Ismail (2018). An Islamic Model of Couple and Marriage Counselling Based on the Experiences of Young Muslim Couples in Conflict and the Teaching of Imam Al-Ghazali. (PhD in Education – Counselling Psychology) – IIUM External Examiner
  • Hamimah Hashim (2017). Learning Environments and Proactive Personality: The Mediating Roles of Motivational Orientations on Graduating Students’ Creativity. (PhD in Education – Educational Psychology) – IIUM External Examiner
  • Ridwan Haris (2016). The Psycho-Spiritual Dimension of Drug Addiction: A Case Study on the Influence of Islamic Therapy on Recovered Adolescent Drug Addicts (PhD in Education – Counseling Psychology) – IIUM External Examiner
  • Noviana Mustapa (2015). The Role of Co-Curricular Activities in Developing Soft Skills and the Islamic Personality: A Rasch Profilling Study of IIUM Undergraduates (PhD in Education – Educational Psychology) – IIUM External Examiner
  • Roslizawati Sueb (2014). Excellent Secondary Schools’ Teachers Classroom Discipline Management and Strategies (PhD in Education) – IIUM External Examiner
  • Salmi Ahmad Sudan (2013). Pre-marital Sex among School-Going Malay Female Teens. (PhD in Education – Counseling Psychology) – IIUM External Examiner



  • Shanti Bavani A/P V Raja Mohan (2010). Psychology & Counseling Psychological Poverty among Juvenile Sex Offenders in Malaysia (PhD in Counseling & Guidance)
  • Javad Tayyebi (2012). STI Policy. Construction of Scale “Audit of Deeds”
    based on Quran and Hadith: A New Policy in Scientific Study of Religiosity
    (PhD in Policy Studies)
  • Norlia Harun (2013). Tahap Amalan Adab Belajar dalam Kalangan Pelajar di Malaysia. (PhD in Counseling) – UTM PhD Proposal Internal Examiner
  • Abdolreza Fadavi (2016). Human Resource Policy Implications on Skilled Worker Growth in the Malaysia Oil and Gas Industry (PhD in Policy Studies) – UTM PhD Proposal Internal Examiner
  • Siti Hasliah Salleh (2017). Level of Preparedness amongst Healthcare Personnel Towards Radiation Emergency as Part of Disaster Policy Implementation Exercise (PhD in Policy Studies) – UTM PhD Viva Internal Examiner
  • Mohd Nizam Osman (2018). Pertembungan Kuasa di antara Kerajaan Persekutuan dengan Kerajaan Negeri tentang Isu Pengurusan Air di Selangor (PhD in Policy Studies) – UTM PhD Proposal Internal Examiner
  • Fazni Mat Ariffin (2018). Negotiation as Conflict Resolution Method at Agenda Setting Stage of the Proposed National Halal Policymaking Process (PhD in Policy Studies) – UTM PhD Proposal Internal Examiner
  • Nurul ‘Ain Ahmad (2018). Study on Practices of Malaysian Banks in Personal Data Handling (PhD in Policy Studies) – UTM PhD Proposal Internal Examiner



  •  Shazmin Rafeeq (2015). Indicators & Factors Contributing to Well-being: A Case Study of Muslim Youth in London (Master of Education – Educational Psychology) – IIUM External Examiner



  • Prihadi Kususanto (2009). Educational Psychology. Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy and Perception on Teachers’ Behaviour of Students in Between-Class Ability Grouping (Master of Education) – UTM Internal Examiner



  • (The Influence of Teachers’ Personality Towards Students’ Motivation in Enhancing Effectiveness in Teaching and Learning in School). Sumbangan Keperibadian Guru terhadap Motivasi Pelajar dalam meningkatkan keberkesanan P & P di sekolah. Jurnal Teknologi, UTM. JTE/2008/19. Penerbit UTM: Skudai.
  • Reading Readiness Test for Kindergarten Children. Jurnal Teknologi. JTE/2009/03. Penerbit UTM: Skudai.
  • (Analysing Students’ Satisfaction Over the Undergraduate Projects Using SEM).Analisis Kepuasan Pelajar Melalui Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) menggunakan SEM. Jurnal Teknologi. JTE/2009/27. Penerbit UTM: Skudai.
  • (The Use of Reward in Education as an Instrument to Enhance Teaching and Learning from the Islamic Perspective).Penggunaan Ganjaran dalam Bidang Pendidikan sebagai Instrumen Pengukuhan P&P dari Perspektif Islam. Seminar Islam, Sains & Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa: Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. 4-5 Ogos 2010.
  • (Memorising the Quran in the Education System: A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of Neuro-Science and Islam).Penghafazan Al-Quran dalam Sistem Pendidikan: Suatu Perbandingan dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam. Seminar Islam, Sains & Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa: Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. 4-5 Ogos 2010.
  • (Karada de Oboeru: Learning Approach Through Experience).Karada de Oboeru: Pendekatan Belajar Melalui Pengalaman. Seminar Islam, Sains & Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa: Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. 4-5 Ogos 2010.
  • (The Thoughts of Al-Khawarizmi in Mathematics). Pemikiran Al-Khawarizmi dalam Bidang Matematik. Seminar Islam, Sains & Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa: Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. 4-5 Ogos 2010.
  • Advocating a pedagogy of happiness in TESOL: Antecedents and potentialities. Journal of Happiness & Well Being, April 2013. ISSN: 2147-561X




  1. Nooraini Othman. (2007). (The Living Style as Personality Traits, Influencing Factors, and the Relationship with Academic Achievement).Gaya Hidup Sebagai Ciri Personaliti, Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya dan Hubungannya dengan Pencapaian Akademik. Skudai: Penerbit UTM. (ISBN: 978-967-353-784-6)
  2. Nooraini Othman. (2008). The Development and Validation of the Ummatic Personality Inventory. Skudai: Penerbit UTM. (ISBN: 978-967-354-065-5)



  1. Nooraini Othman. (2009). (Faith and Piety from the Perspectives of Psychology and Education). Iman dan Taqwa dari Perspektif Psikologi dan Pendidikan in Ke Arah Umat Hadhari (Edited). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuwan. (ISBN: 983-44372-1-8)
  2. Khairul ‘Azmi Mohamad &Nooraini Othman. (2009). (Civilisational Mind and Its Role in Developing Civilisation).Minda Hadhari dalam Mencapai Matlamat Islam Hadhari in Ke Arah Umat Hadhari (Edited). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuwan. (ISBN: 983-44372-1-8)
  3. Khairul ‘Azmi Mohamad &Nooraini Othman. (2009). (Foundational Values for Integrity and the Practice of a Civilised Society).Nilai yang Mendasari Integriti dan Amalan Masyarakat Hadhari in Ke Arah Umat Hadhari (Edited). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuwan. (ISBN: 983-44372-1-8)
  4. Nooraini Othman. (2010). Influence of Maid on a Child’s Development in Filial Piety(Edited). Kuala Lumpur. Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). (ISBN: 978-983-2636-41-0)
  5. Nooraini Othman. (2011). The development and Validation of the Ummatic Personality Inventory using Principal Component Analysis in Studies in Applied Psychology: Asian Perspective (Edited). New Delhi. Research India Press. (ISBN: 8189131449)
  6. Nooraini Othman. (2011). Human Development and Psychological Approach Towards Life- Friendly Environment in Biotechnology and Environmental Sustainability (Edited). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuwan.
  7. Khairul ‘Azmi Mohamad &Nooraini Othman. (2011). Biotechnological Progress and the Prospect of the Ummah in Biotechnology and Environmental Sustainability (Edited). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuwan.
  8. Nooraini Othman. (2012). Innovative Personality Development From Islamic And Psychological Perspective in Readings in Science, Technology and Innovation Issues (Edited). Kuala Lumpur. Yayasan Ilmuwan.
  9. Nooraini Othman & Tajul Azlan Sahadan. (2012). Innovative Education towards Innovative Nation in Readings in Science, Technology and Innovation Issues (Edited). Kuala Lumpur. Yayasan Ilmuwan.
  10. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2016). Educational Reform and Islamic Education in Malaysia in Social Progress in the Islamic World: Social, Economic, Political and Ideological Challenges. USA: Springer.
  11. Zaiton Othman & Nooraini Othman. (2015). Work Discrimination against Women Employees in Malaysia in Development and Human Rights. London: Taylor & Francis




  1. Mohamad Afifuddin Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2016). The Ruqyah Syar’iyyah Spiritual Method as an Alternative for Depression Treatment. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 7. No. 4, June 2016 (Scopus Indexed).
  2. Nooraini Othman. (2016). Exploring the Innovative Personality Characteristics among Teachers. International Education Studies. Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2016. ISSN: 1913-9020 (Scopus Indexed).
  3. Nik Ahmad Hisham Ismail, Mustafa Tekke, Nooraini Othman & Afareez Abd Razak Al-Hafiz. (2016). Students’ Islamic Personality on Ibadah: A Structural Modelling Approach. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 219, May 2016. 755-761. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.05.073 (ISI Indexed)
  4. Zaiton Othman & Nooraini Othman. (2015). A literatural Review on Work Discrimination among Women Employees. Asian Social Science. 11, No. 4, February 2015. ISSN: 1911-2017. doi:10.5539/ass.v11n4p26 (Scopus Indexed)
  5. Elna Herawati Che Ismail & Nooraini Othman. (2015). Psychological Approach in Managing Muscular Dystrophy Patients in Malaysia. Iranian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 44, No. 3, March 2015. ISSN: 2251-6093 (ISI Indexed).
  6. Tekke, M., Ismail, N. A. H., Adnan, M. A. M. and Othman, N. (2015). Students’ Islamic Personality on Amanah: A Structural Modeling Approach. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities. Vol. 23 (1) March 2015 (Scopus Indexed).
  7. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2014). Integrated System in the Malaysian Education Paradigm: A Catalyst for a Holistic Personality Development. International Education Studies. Vol. 7, No. 5, May 2014. ISSN: 1913-9039. doi:10.5539/ies.v7n5p8 (Scopus Indexed).
  8. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2014). Thinking Skill Education and Transformational progress in Malaysia. International Education Studies. Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2014. ISSN: 1913-9039. doi:10.5539/ies.v7n4p27 (Scopus Indexed).
  9. Zalina Mohd Tahir, Norihan Abu Hassan & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Performance Measurement for Extracurricular Management at Secondary School Level. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 81 (2013) 438 – 442. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.456 (ISI Indexed).



  1. Wardatul Aishah Musa, Nooraini Othman, Yuniza Abdul Latif, Siti Shariyah Shaari, Wan Nor Hana Wan Ismail & Siti Fadhilah Ismail. (2018). The Co-curricular and Students: Their Roles and Relationship. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counselling. Vol. 3, No. 18. eISSN: 0128-164X
  2. Mohd Afifuddin Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2017). The Ruqyah Syar’iyyah Spiritual Method as an Alternative for Depression Treatment. Life Science Journal. Vol. 14, No. 2. ISSN: 2372-613X
  3. Nooraini Othman. (2017). Korelasi di antara Penghargaan Kendiri Dan Kepercayaan Individu Terhadap Keupayaannya Dalam Kawalan Emosi Negatif: Satu Analisis Kebolehpercayaan Alat Ujian Psikologi. Jurnal Saujana. Vol. 4. 2017. (Accepted for publication).
  4. Shahrizal Ab. Shatar, Nooraini Othman, Nor Ashikin Mohd Yusof & Zamri Mohamed. (2017). Preliminary Review on Housing Policy and its Implementation in Malaysia. Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. 3, No.1. June 2017. ISSN: 2550-2018
  5. Tajulashikin Jumahat, Rajendran Nagappan, Mohamad Sahari Nordin, Suhailah Hussein & Nooraini Othman. (2016). The Assessment Of Thinking Skills In Chemistry For Secondary School Students In Malaysian Classrooms. Malaysian Journal Of Higher Order Thinking Skills In Education. No.2. ISSN: 2462-2397.
  6. Wardatul Aishah Musa, Nooraini Othman, Nasrul Hakim Jalaludin & Siti Shariah Shaari. (2016). Hubungan Antara Kesedaran Kendiri Dengan Teori Kognitif Sosial, Teori Goleman dan Teori Astin. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship. 2, No.2. ISSN: 2462-1714.
  7. Nik Ahmad Hisham Ismail, Mustafa Tekke, Sharifah Sariah Hassan & Nooraini Othman. (2016). The Influence Of Self-Regard On Response Of Belief In God and Awareness Of Prophetic Teaching. Jurnal of Education and Learning. Vol. 10, No. 3. ISSN: 2302-9277.
  8. Mohamad Affi Yusri Mohamad Zaini & Nooraini Othman. (2016). Pengujian Kebolehpercayaan Instrumen Sikap dan Persepsi Terhadap Akademik dan Syahsiah: Pengaplikasian Model Rasch. Sains Humanika. Vol. 8, No. 2. ISSN: 2289-6996.
  9. Elna Herawati Che Ismail & Nooraini Othman. (2016). From Diagnosis to Treatment of Muscular Dystrophy: Psychology Meets Medicine. International Journal of Psychological Studies. Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2016. ISSN: 1918-7211.
  10. Nooraini Othman. (2016). A Preface to the Islamic Personality Psychology. International Journal of Psychological Studies. Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2016. ISSN: 1918-7211.
  11. Nooraini Othman. (2015). Psychological Capital as a Thrust to Innovative Personality: A Focus on Education. Journal of Science, Technology & Innovation Policy. 1, No.1, December 2015.
  12. Wardatul Aishah Musa, Nooraini Othman, Mohd Nasrul Hakim Jalaludin & Nor Pujawati Md Said. (2015). Aktiviti Kokurikulum Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Kuala Lumpur: Kecenderungan Keusahawanan. Al Qimah Al Mudhafah The Journal of Management and Science (AlQimah). 1, No. 1.
  13. Nooraini Othman. (2014). A Comparative Study Between Western and Islamic Perspectives on Human Development and Life-Friendly Environment. Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies. Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan-April 2014). doi:10.15364/ris14- 0101-01
  14. Roya Koochak Entezar, Nooraini Othman, Azlina Mohd Kosnin & Afsaneh Ghanbaripanah. (2014). The Relation between Emotional Intelligence, Social Support and Mental Health among Iranian & Malaysian Mothers of Mild Intellectually Disabled Children. International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and Social Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 1, March 2014. doi:10.14331/ijfpss.2013.330039
  15. Nurwahidah Ab Gani, Nooraini Othman & Siti Norayu Basir. (2014). Perbezaan Personaliti Psiko-Spiritual dalam kalangan Pelajar Sekolah Menengah di Semenanjung Malaysia. Journal of Human Development and Communication. Volume 2, 2013. ISSN: 2289-2702
  16. Nooraini Othman & Salasiah Khairollah. (2013). (Exploring the Relationship between Islamic Personality and Parenting Style) Eksplorasi Hubungan antara Personaliti Islamik dengan Gaya Keibubapaan. International Journal of Islamic Thought. Vol. 4. December 2013. ISSN: 2322-4770
  17. Reza Nazeri & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Strengthening Mathematical Learning with Class Atmosphere and Design in an Elementary School. Journal of Educational and Management Studies. ISSN: 2322-4770
  18. Roya Koochak Entezar, Nooraini Othman, Azlina Mohd Kosnin & Afsaneh Ghanbari Panah. (2013). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Mental Health among Iranian Mothers of Mild Intellectually Disabled Children. International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No 2. ISSN: 2231-9484
  19. Nooraini Othman & Noor Idahwati Mohd Noor. (2012). (Personality, Learning Attitude and Academic Achievement). Syahsiah, Sikap Belajar dan Pencapaian Akademik. International Journal of Educational psychology & Counseling, Vol 6, June 2012. ISSN: 2231-735X.
  20. Khairul Azmi Mohamad, Nooraini Othman& AbdulHameed Yusuf. (2011). The importance of ijtihad in the age of biotechnology. (Invited Paper). Journal of Biosafety. Vol. 3, No. 3, Spring 2011
  21. Nooraini Othman & Kong Bee Leng. (2011). The relationship between self-concept, intrinsic motivation, self-determination and academic achievement among Chinese primary school students. International Journal of Psychological Studies. Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2011.
  22. Nooraini Othman & Khairul ‘Azmi Mohamad. (2011). Eclectic Model in the Malaysian Education System. International Education Studies. Vol. 4, No. 4, November 2011.
  23. Nooraini Othman. (2011). Exploring the Ummatic Personality Inventory Dimensions from the Psycho-Spiritual Paradigm. International Journal of Psychological Studies. Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2011.
  24. Nooraini Othman & Mazlyana Buhari. (2011). Keberkesanan Pendidikan Islam dalam Pembentukan Personaliti Pelajar. Journal of Educational Psychology & Counseling. Vol. 4, December 2011.
  25. Roya Koochak Entezar, Nooraini Othman, Azlina Mohd Kosnin & Afsaneh Ghanbari Panah. (2011). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Forgiveness with Marital Satisfaction. International Journal of Fundamental Psychology & Social Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 2. December 2011. ISSN: 2231-9484.
  26. Wan Noraini Wan Razab & Nooraini Othman. (2011). (The Relationship Between Level of Motivation and Cause of Stress among Teachers Who Further Their Studies). Tahap Motivasi and Punca Tekanan dalam Kalangan Guru yang Melanjutkan Pengajian. Jurnal Kemanusiaan. Bil. 17, June 2011. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  27. Nooraini Othman. (2011). (Exploring The Dimensions of Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI) as a Tool for Assessing the Islamic Psycho-Spiritual Personality). Explorasi Dimensi Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI)© Sebagai Alat Pengukuran Personaliti Psiko-Spiritualiti Islami. Ulum Islamiyyah. Vol. 7, December 2011. Penerbit Universiti  Sains Islam Malaysia.
  28. Nooraini Othman. (2009). (The Balance Between Academic and Personality as Foundation for Human Capital Development). Keseimbangan Akademik dan Personaliti sebagai Teras Pembangunan Modal Insan. Jurnal HEP & ALUMNI UiTM, Bil 1, Januari-Februari 2009.
  29. Khairul ‘Azmi Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2004). The Concept of Knowledge Society and Quality of Life from the Islamic Perspective. Jurnal IKIM, Vol. 12, No. 2. Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM)
  30. Nooraini Othman & Azizi Yahaya. (2004). (The Influence of Parenting Styles in the Development of Students Personality Traits). Pengaruh Gaya Keibubapaan dalam Pembentukan Ciri Personaliti Pelajar UTM. Jurnal Pendidikan UTM, Jilid 10. Fakulti Pendidikan, UTM.




  1. Mustafa Tekke, Nooraini Othman, Afareez Abd Razak Al-Hafiz & Nik Ahmad Hisham Ismail. (2015). Students’ Islamic Personality on Ibadah: A Structural Modelling Approach. 3rd Global Conference on Business and Social Science-2015, GCBSS-2015, 16-17 December 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2014). Exploring Leadership Characteristics in Innovative Teachers for Innovative Students. 7th International Conference of Education and Innovation (ICERI 2014). 17-19 November 2014. (ISI Indexed Proceeding)
  3. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2014). The Development of Islamic Studies in Malaysia: Classical Meets Modernity. 7th International Conference of Education and Innovation (ICERI 2014). 17-19 November 2014. (ISI Indexed Proceeding)
  4. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2011). Developments in the Malaysian educational paradigm with reference to some foundational issues from an integrated approach. Presented in International Technology, Education & Development Conference (INTED 2011), Valencia, Spain, 7-9 March 2011. ISBN: 978-84-614-7423-3. (ISI Indexed Proceeding)
  5. Nazli Yahya, Nor Ashikin Mohd Yusof, Nooraini Othman & Shadiya Baqutayan. (2011). A Collaborative Cross-analysis Framework for Critical Thinking. 4th International Conference of Education and Innovation (ICERI 2011). November 2011. (ISI Indexed Proceeding)



  1. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2018). The Application of the Main Concepts of Islamic Psychology in Islamic Counseling. International Conference on ‘Islamic Psychology: Theory, Research and Application’. 10-12 November 2018. Aligarh Muslim University, New Delhi, India.
  2. Tajulashikin Jumahat, Rajendran Nagappan, Mohamad Sahari Nordin, Suhailah Hussein & Nooraini Othman. (2016). The Assessment of Thinking Skills in Chemistry For Secondary School Students in Malaysian Classrooms. International Conference on Education and Higher Order Thinking Skills (ICE-HOTS2016). 11-13 April 2016. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  3. Nooraini Othman & Wardatul Aishah Musa. (2014). Kokurikulum dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Malaysia: Satu Tinjauan Awal. 2nd World Conference on Islamic Thought & Civilization (WCIT2014). 18-19 August 2014.
  4. Nooraini Othman & Nur Wahidah Ab Gani. (2013). Pengaruh Faktor Persekitaran dan Tahap Personaliti Psiko-Spiritual dalam kalangan Remaja Muslim. Persidangan Pembangunan Pelajar Peringkat Kebangsaan 2013. 17-18 November 2013. KSL Hotel & Resort Johor Bahru, Johor.
  5. Wardatul Aishah Musa & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Kokurikulum sebagai Medan Pembentukan Akhlak Seimbang dalam kalangan Remaja di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Persidangan Pembangunan Pelajar Peringkat Kebangsaan 2013. 17-18 November 2013. KSL Hotel & Resort Johor Bahru, Johor.
  6. Nur Wahidah Ab Gani & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Profil Ciri Personaliti Psiko-Spiritual dalam kalangan Remaja Muslim: Satu Kajian Awal. Persidangan Antarabangsa Pendidikan & Kaunseling, 6-7 March 2013. Batu Pahat: Universiti Tun Hussien Onn & Perkama.
  7. Afifuddin Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Rawatan Spiritual Ruqya sebagai Alternative Rawatan Moden: Satu Kajian Awal. The 4th International Graduate Conference on Engineering Science & Humanity 2013 (IGCESH2013), 16-17 April 2013. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  8. Khairul Azmi Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2011). Towards index of political ethics based on the Quranic precepts. Proceeding of International Quranic Conference 2011, Universiti Malaya, 9-11 January 2011.
  9. Khairul Azmi Mohamad, Nooraini Othman, Mazilan Musa, Zahari Mohamad & Azwan Kamari. (2011). Higher Education Loan Funds Project (HELP): A Malaysia-Japan strategic collaboration on human capital development. Presented in Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA) Conference 2011, USM Penang on 15-17 Februari 2011.
  10. Khairul Azmi Mohamad, Nooraini Othman, Mazilan Musa, Zahari Mohamad & Azwan Kamari. (2011). Education Support Services Project (ESSP): Towards sustaining the Japanese tertiary education in Malaysia. Presented in Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA) Conference 2011, USM Penang on 15-17 Februari 2011.
  11. Nooraini Othman & Noor Idahwati Mohd.Noor.(2011). Profil Ciri Pekerja Cemerlang dari Perspektif Islam. International Conference on Human Resource Development (ICHRD 2011), FPPSM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai.
  12. Halimatusa’diah Subari &Nooraini Othman. (2011). Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Pencapaian Akademik. Proceeding of Seminar Pendidikan 2011, 13-14 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur: Institut Perguruan Ilmu Khas.
  13. Tajul Azlan Sahadan & Nooraini Othman. (2011). Student’s Understanding of Thinking Skills and its Relationship with Academic Performance. Proceeding of EDUPRESS 2011, 14-15 December 2011. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  14. Roya Koochak, Nooraini Othman & Azlina Mohd Kosnin. (2011). Comparison of the Level of Mental Health by Concentrating on the Role of Emotional Intelligence and Social Support among Iranian and Malaysian Mothers of Mild Intellectually Disabled Children in Special School. Proceeding of EDUPRESS 2011, 14-15 December 2011. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  15. Nooraini Othman & Noor Idahwati Mohd Noor. (2010). Ciri-ciri pekerja cemerlang mengikut persepsi majikan dan berasaskan analisis perspektif Islam. Proceeding of the EDUPRESS 2010, 27-28 October 2010. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  16. Nooraini Othman. (2009). The Influence of Maids on a Child’s Attitude Development. Proceeding of Seminar Kebangsaan “A Multi-Cultural Understanding of Filial Piety”, 17-18 Februari 2009. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia.
  17. Nooraini Othman. (2009). The Development & Validation of The Ummatic Personality Inventory Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Proceeding of the International Conference on Applied Psychology: Asian Perspective , 12-14 Mac 2009. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya.
  18. Nooraini Othman. (2009). Human Capital Development from Psychological Perspective: The Role of Ummatic Personality Inventory. Proceeding of the International Conference on Human Capital Development, 25-27 May 2009. Kuantan: Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
  19. Nooraini Othman. (2009). Personality Development for Teachers: The Role of Ummatic Personality Inventory. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Educational Research and Practice (ICERP 2009), 10-11 June 2009. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  20. Nooraini Othman & Wan Noraini Wan Razab. (2009). Hubungan antara Tahap Motivasi dengan Punca Tekanan terhadap Guru yang melanjutkan Pengajian. Proceeding of the International Conference on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education 2009 (ICTLEH 2009), 23-25 November 2009. Perak: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
  21. Nooraini Othman. (2008). Personaliti sebagai Teras Pembangunan Modal Insan. Proceeding of Seminar Kebangsaan Kemahiran Insaniah & Kesejahteraan Sosial (SKIKS 2008) , 8-19 Ogos 2008, Melaka: Universiti Teknikal Melaka.
  22. Nooraini Othman. (2008). Keseimbangan Akademik dan Personaliti sebagai Teras Pembangunan Modal Insan. Proceeding of Seminar NASDEC 2008, 22-23 October 2008. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  23. Nur Wahidah Ab Gani & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Profil Ciri Personaliti Psiko-Spiritual dalam kalangan Remaja Muslim: Satu Kajian Awal. Persidangan Antarabangsa Pendidikan & Kaunseling, 6-7 March 2013. Batu Pahat: Universiti Tun Hussien Onn & Perkama.
  24. Mohd. Afifuddin Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2013). Rawatan SpiritualRuqya sebagai Alternative Rawatan Moden: Satu Kajian Awal. The 4th International Graduate Conference on Engineering Science & Humanity
    2013 (IGCESH2013), 16-17 April 2013. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  25. Khairul Azmi Mohamad & Nooraini Othman. (2011). Towards index of political ethics based on the Quranic precepts. Proceeding of International Quranic Conference 2011, Universiti Malaya, 9-11 January 2011.
  26. Khairul Azmi Mohamad, Nooraini Othman, Mazilan Musa, Zahari Mohamad & Azwan Kamari. (2011). Higher Education Loan Funds Project (HELP): A Malaysia-Japan strategic collaboration on human capital development. Presented in Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA) Conference 2011, USM Penang on 15-17 Februari 2011.
  27. Khairul Azmi Mohamad, Nooraini Othman, Mazilan Musa, Zahari Mohamad & Azwan Kamari. (2011). Education Support Services Project (ESSP): Towards sustaining the Japanese tertiary education in Malaysia. Presented in Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA) Conference 2011, USM Penang on 15-17 februari 2011.
  28. Nooraini Othman & Khairul Azmi Mohamad. (2011). Developments in the Malaysian educational paradigm with reference to some foundational issues from an integrated approach. Presented in International Technology, Education & Development Concerence (INTED 2011), Valencia, Spain, 7-9 March 2011. ISBN: 978-84-614-7423-3
  29. Nooraini Othman & Noor Idahwati Mohd. Noor. (2011). (The Profile of an Excellent Worker from the Islamic Perspective).Profil Ciri Pekerja Cemerlang dari Perspektif Islam. International Conference on Human Resource Development (ICHRD 2011), FPPSM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai.
  30. Halimatusa’diah Subari & Nooraini Othman. (2011). (The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Excellence).Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Pencapaian Akademik. Proceeding of Seminar Pendidikan 2011, 13-14 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur: Institut Perguruan Ilmu Khas.
  31. Tajul Azlan Sahadan & Nooraini Othman. (2011). Student’s Understanding of Thinking Skills and its Relationship with Academic Performance. Proceeding of EDUPRESS 2011, 14-15 December 2011. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  32. Roya Koochak, Nooraini Othman & Azlina Mohd Kosnin. (2011). Comparison of the Level of Mental Health by Concentrating on the Role of Emotional Intelligence and Social Support among Iranian and Malaysian Mothers of Mild Intellectually Disabled Children in Special School. Proceeding of EDUPRESS 2011, 14-15 December 2011. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  33. Nooraini Othman & Noor Idahwati Mohd Noor. (2010). (The Characteristic Traits of an Excellent Worker from the Employers’ Perspectives and their Analysis from the Islamic Perspective). Ciri-ciri pekerja cemerlang mengikut persepsi majikan dan berasaskan analisis perspektif Islam. Proceeding of the EDUPRESS 2010, 27-28 October 2010. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  34. Nooraini Othman. (2009). The Influence of Maids on a Child’s Attitude Development. Proceeding of Seminar Kebangsaan “A Multi-Cultural Understanding of Filial Piety”, 17-18 Februari 2009. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia.
  35. Nooraini Othman. (2009). The Development & Validation of The Ummatic Personality Inventory Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Proceeding of the International Conference on Applied Psychology: Asian
  36. Perspective , 12-14 Mac 2009. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya.
  37. Nooraini Othman. (2009). Human Capital Development from Psychological Perspective: The Role of Ummatic Personality Inventory. Proceeding of the International Conference on Human Capital Development, 25-27 May 2009. Kuantan: Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
  38. Nooraini Othman. (2009). Personality Development for Teachers: The Role of Ummatic Personality Inventory. Proceeding of The 1st International Conference on Educational Research and Practice (ICERP 2009), 10-11 June 2009. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  39. Nooraini Othman & Wan Noraini Wan Razab. (2009). (The Relationship Between Level of Motivation and Cause of Stress among Teachers Who Further Their Studies).Hubungan antara Tahap Motivasi dengan Punca Tekanan terhadap Guru yang melanjutkan Pengajian. Proceeding of the International Conference on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education 2009 (ICTLEH 2009), 23-25 November 2009. Perak: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
  40. Nooraini Othman. (2008). (Personality as Foundation for Human Capital Development).Personaliti sebagai Teras Pembangunan Modal Insan. Proceeding of Seminar Kebangsaan Kemahiran Insaniah & Kesejahteraan Sosial (SKIKS 2008) , 8-19 Ogos 2008, Melaka: Universiti Teknikal Melaka.
  41. Nooraini Othman. (2008). (The Balance Between Academic and Personality as Foundation for Human Capital Development).Keseimbangan Akademik dan Personaliti sebagai Teras Pembangunan Modal Insan. Proceeding of Seminar NASDEC 2008, 22-23 October 2008. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.



  • Nooraini Othman. (2005). Budi Bahasa: Topeng dan Hakikat Kehidupan. Visi, June 2005, Bil 54. Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM).



  • “An Intervention Module using the Combination of Islamic Counselling Approach and Adlerian Counselling Techniques in enhancing Resilience Level among the Malaysian Teenagers. Project Leader. Period: 24 months (1 October 2018 – 30 September 2020). Value: RM… Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) (In Progress)
  • “Developing a Therapeutic Intervention Module Using Art Therapy for Psychological Well-Being”. Project Leader. Period: 36 months (1 November 2018 – 30 November 2021): RM40,000. Research University Grant (RUG). (Awarded)
  • “Punca dan Faktor Pemerdagangan Manusia di Malaysia”. Co-Researcher. Period: 24 months (1 August 2017 – 30 July 2019) Value: RM55,000. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) (In Progress)
  • ”An Intervention and Psychological Module to Strengthen the Affective and Cognitive Domains of the Muscular Dystrophy Patients in Malaysia.” Project
    Leader. Period: 24 months (1 April 2013 – 31 March 2015). Value: RM70,000. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). (Completed)
  • (Guide lines and Criteria Matrics for the Establishment of Private Higher Learning Institutions).”Kajian Garis Panduan dan Matrik Kriteria Penubuhan
    Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta”. Co-Researcher. Period: 6 months (14 February 2011 – 31 August 2011). Value: RM72,300. Ministry of Higher Education. (Completed)
  • “Profile of Psycho-Spiritual Personality Characteristics Among the Muslim Teenagers”. Project Leader. Period: 24 months (1 Jan 2011 – 31 Dec 2012). Value: RM48,000. FRGS. (Completed)
  • (The Profile of Innovative Characteristics of Human Capital).“Profil Ciri Personaliti Modal Insan Inovatif”. Project Leader. Period: 12 months (1 April2011-31 March 2012). Value: RM40,000. Research University Grant (RUG). UTM. (Completed)
  • “Leadership Of Women Policy-Makers In The Education Industry”. Co-Researcher. Period 12 months (1 April 2011-31 March 2012). Value: RM40,000. Research University Grant (RUG). UTM. (Completed)
  • “Integrating and Strengthening Human Value in Malaysian Development Policy”. Co-Researcher. Period: 24 months (1 April 2011 – 31 March 2013). Value: RM150,000. Research University Grant (RUG). UTM. (Completed)
  • “Fostering Innovation and Leadership Style Toward Achieving Higher Education Transformation Plan”. Co-Researcher. Period: 24 months (1 April2011 – 31 March 2013). Value: RM150,000. Research University Grant (RUG). UTM. (Completed)
  • “Infusion of Innovation in Vocational Education and Training”. Co-Researcher. Period: 24 months (1 April 2011 – 31 March 2013). Value: RM150,000. Research University Grant (RUG). UTM. (Completed)
  • “The Moderating Effect of Religious Orientation in Managing Anxiety Among Breast Cancer Patients”. Co-Researcher. Period: 24 months (1 April 2011 –31 March 2013). Value: RM98,000. Research University Grant (RUG). UTM. (Completed)
  • “The Parent-Child Conflict: Types of Origin and Roles of Parenting Practices”. Project Leader. Vot No. 77904. Period: 12 months (16 Mac 2009 – 15 Mac 2010). Value: RM10,000. Research Management Centre, UTM. (Completed)
  • “Investigating the Mediating Roles of Spiritual & Emotional Intelligences between Life factors and Adolescent Delinquent Behaviours”. Co-Researcher. Vot No. 78442. Period: 24 months (14 Ogos 2009 – 13 Ogos 2011). Value: RM25,000. FRGS. (Completed)
  • “Intergroup Behaviour of Students in Higher Education”. Co-Researcher. Vot No. 78513. Period: 24 months (15 Nov 2009 – 14 Nov 2011). Value: RM30,000. FRGS.      (Completed)



  • “Women Psychological Well-Being Based on Islamic Happiness and Bio-Ecosystemic Decision Making Model Using Cyberphysical Machine Learning Device”. Program Leader. Period: 36 months (1 November 2018 – 30 October 2021): RM200,000. (Awarded).



  • Consultancy Project on Environmental Policies – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). Co-Researcher. Duration: 2 May 2011 – 31 December 2012. Value: RM200,000. (Completed)



  • Adjunt Fellow, Malaysian Institute for Research in Youth Development, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia from 30 November 2009 to 31 Oktober 2010.
  • Committee Member of Syllabus and Curriculum Improvement for PKSP, Yayasan Ilmuwan from 1 August 2009 to 1 July 2011.
  • Member of Board of Studies: Master in Education in Educational Psychology and Counselling, Institute of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia from 7th May 2010.
  • Member of Board of Studies for the Establishment of a Higher Learning Institution, Yayasan Ilmuwan from 25 January 2011.
  • Panel of Evaluator for FRGS phase 2 2013



  • Registered Counsellor (KB07287) & Certified Practitioner (PA06809), Malaysia Board of Counsellors


  • American Psychological Association (APA)

Membership No: 2694-1800


  • Malaysian Counseling Association (PERKAMA)

Membership No: ASH 00254


  • International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)

Membership No: 1942307


  • The British Psychological Society (BPsS)

Membership No: 308666

Graduate Membership MBPsS

General Member of the Division of Education & Child Psychology



  •  Invited Speaker on “Personality Development”, a program conducted by Yayasan Pelajaran MARA & Yayasan Ilmuwan,  11 Februari 2006
  • Invited Speaker on “Student’s Psychological Preparation in Japan”, a program conducted by Yayasan Pelajaran MARA& Yayasan Ilmuwan, 2010.
  • Invited Speaker for Research Methodology Workshop, conducted by Graduate School, UTM International Campus, Kuala Lumpur on 12-14 February 2011
  • Invited Lecture on “Eclectic Education System in Malaysia”, a program conducted by Department of Malaysian Studies, Cairo University, Egypt, 26 May 2011
  • Invited Speaker for Research Methodology Workshop, conducted by Graduate School, UTM International Campus, Kuala Lumpur on 3 December 2011
  • Invited Panelist for Forum on ”Mendidik anak genius cara Rasulullah” at Pusat Islam Iskandar, Johor Bahru on 22 March 2014.
  • Invited Speaker on “Mental Health and Psychotherapy from the Islamic Perspective”, a training program for Staffs from Students Affair Department, UTM KL on 15 May 2014.
  • Invited Speaker on “Pemantapan Pedagogi Bagi Menangani Pelajar Bermasalah”, a program organised by Excellent Cluster Schools on 17 May 2014.
  • Facilitator / Motivator for “Program Sesi Kaunseling Kelompok”, a program organised by Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Behrang, Perak on 20 September 2016.
  • Course Trainer and Presenter for “Qualitative Method in Research”, a full day course organised by Barisan Nasional Malaysia on 26 September 2016.
  • Short Course Lecturer on Research Methodology for Internship students of Master of Science, Technology & Innovation Policy on 28 March 2017.
  • Short Course Lecturer on Research Methodology for Internship students of Master of Science, Technology & Innovation Policy on 24 August 2017.
  • Invited Speaker on “Human Relation Skill”, a supervision course organised by School of Postgraduate Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur on 21 March 2018.
  • Invited Speaker on “Exploring the Stress”, a course organised by Institut Kefahaman Malaysia (IKIM) at Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya on 28 – 29 March 2018.
  • Invited Speaker on “Stress Management Technique”, a course organised by Institut Kefahaman Malaysia (IKIM) at Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya on 28 – 29 March 2018.



  • Coordinator for weekly academic colloquium, Faculty of Education, Sem. 2, 2003/2004.
  • Task-Force for Quality Assurance, Faculty of Education, Sem. 2, 2003/2004.
  • Panel of Examiners for Comprehensive Examination (Master of Education Program), Faculty of  Education, Sem. 2, 2003/2004.
  • Panel of Evaluators for Examination Papers, Faculty of Education, Sem. 2, 2003/2004.
  • Mentor Lecturer for Teaching Practicum, Faculty of Education, Session 2003/2004.
  • Panel of Interviewer for Postgraduate Studies Program (Educational Psychology), Sem. 1 & 2, 2004/2005.
  • Supervisor for Undergraduate Projects, Sem. 1, 2004/2005.
  • Panel of Interviewer for Postgraduate Studies Program, Sem. 2, 2004/2005.
  • Supervisor for Undergraduate Projects, 2004/2005
  • Panel of Examiners for Comprehensive Examination (Repeaters), Sem. 1, 2004/2005.
  • Mentor lecturer for Teaching Practicum, Faculty of Education, 2008/2009.
  • Committee Member for Enhancing English Language Proficiency, 2008/2009.
  • Supervisor for Undergraduate Projects, Sem. 1, 2008/2009.
  • Committee Member for Research University Task Force, 2008.
  • Supervisor for Undergraduate Projects, Sem. 2, 2008/2009.
  • Panel of Examiners for Undergraduate Projects Seminar, Sem. 1, 2008/2009.
  • Committee Member for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Education, 2009.
  • Committee Member for Teaching Practicum, Faculty of Education, 2009.
  • Panel of Interviewer for the intake of students for Bachelor of Education (ISMP) and     Diploma in Education (DP), session 2009/2010.
  • Committee Member for Entrepreneurship Committee, Staff Club, Faculty of Education, 2009-2011.
  • Committee Member for Quality and Family Day, Staff Club, Faculty of Education, 2009.
  • Supervisor for Undergraduate Projects, Sem. 1, 2009/2010.
  • Committee Member (Secretary) of Learning Evaluation and Assessment Task Force for Faculty of Education, UTM, Skudai from May 2008 to May 2009.
  • Committe Member of Research and Innovation Team for Faculty of Education for 2009/2010.
  • Committee Member of Teacher’s Practicum Training for Faculty of Education from 8 May 2009 to 30 April 2011.
  • Internal Auditor of Academic Performance Audit for Faculty of Education from November 2009 to January 2010.
  • Panel of Interviewer for the intake of students for Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Education, session 2009/2010.
  • Panel of Interviewer for new staff selection for Yayasan Ilmuwan, Kuala Lumpur on 23-24 July 2009 and 11 November 2009.
  • Committee Member of Faculty of Education Family Club 2009 to 2011.
  • Committee Member of UTM Perdana School of Science, Technology & Innovation Policy Task Force from January 2010.
  • Committee Member of UTM Perdana School Special Committee on Curriculum Development from 30 August 2010.
  • Committee Member of COPPA Special Committee for UTM Perdana School from 5th October 2010.
  • Head of Research of UTM Perdana School from 1st January 2010 to April 2011.
  • Committee Member of Postgraduate Students Selection Committee for UTM Perdana School from 14 January 2011.
  • Head of Publication of UTM Perdana School from April 2011 until present.
  • Committee Member of UTM Perdana School Postgraduate Studies from 14 April 2011.
  • Committee Member for Environment, Safety and Work Health (OSHE) UTM Perdana School from 19 December 2011.
  • Mentor for Master Students of MSTI Policy (MFT2006), Semester III, Session 2011/2012.
  • Member of the Senate Committee (JKTS) Meeting on UTM Library from June 2012 to June 2014.
  • Committee Member of University Task Force for International Staff Recruitment from July 2012.
  • Panel of Interviewer for the Appointment of UTM Perdana School Academic Staff on 7 September 2012.



  • Copyright – Ummatic Personality Inventory (2011)
  • Copyright – Islamic Psychology: Course Learning Module (2011)
  • Copyright – Ummatic Personality Inventory – Web-Based (2012)



  • Award for Best Student (Academic) for PhD (Education) from International Islamic University Malaysia on 23 August 2008 (24th IIUM Convocation)
  • Excellent Service Award (Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia on 12 May 2009
  • Silver Award for Product Invention (Ummatic Personality Inventory) in Industrial Art and Techological Exhibition (INATEX2012) held by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai on 3 – 5 October 2012
  • Gold Award for Product Invention (Ummatic Personality Inventory – Web-Based) in International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX2013) held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 9 – 11 May 2013
  • Indexed Journal Author Appreciation from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia on 16 May 2017 (Citra Karisme 2016).
  • Dean’s List for 3 semesters (Sem. I, 2015/2016, Sem. II, 2015/2016 & Sem. I, 2016/2017) for Master in Social Science (Counseling Psychology) (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) with CGPA 3.96.
  • Excellent Master Student for Master in Social Science (Counselling Psychology) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on 28 October 2017 (Chansellor session – 45th UKM Convocation)



  • Prof. Dr. Nik Ahmad Hisham Nik Ismail

Institute of Education

International Islamic University Malaysia

Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-61965330, Fax: 03-61964851


  •  Prof. Dr. Mohamad Sahari Nordin

Institute of Education

International Islamic University Malaysia

Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-61965330, Fax: 03-61964851