Program: Bengkel Semakan Kurikulum Pascasiswazah
Tarikh: 2 Julai 2019
Tempat: B12, Dewan Konvensyen
Masa: 9:00 pagi-5:00 petang
Program: Bengkel Semakan Kurikulum Pascasiswazah
Tarikh: 2 Julai 2019
Tempat: B12, Dewan Konvensyen
Masa: 9:00 pagi-5:00 petang
ALL pictures are courtesy from Amirul Afiq Jamaluddin
The 1st mobile apps incorporated with augmented reality technology developed by our team. Sending my undergraduate student to participate in this international competition by himself. I know he IS a bit nervous/fear. But I always believe in fear. Its a good type of adrenaline.
So what if you feel fear? Do it with fear!
Good Luck!!
Date: 11/4/2019
Venue: Lect Hall B, B10, FABU.
Title: Geospatial, Big Data and Machine Learning Application in Planning
Speaker: En Azhar Abu Talib & Raja Muhammad Fairuz from MIMOS Berhad.
Title: Publication Opportunities and Strategies
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ummul Khair bt Ahmad, Director of PENERBIT UTM Press.
Date: 9/4/2019
Venue: B12, FABU
Bertempat di tanah perkuburan Islam Kangkar Pulai. Proses cerapan dibantu para pelajar dan staff daripada Jabatan Geomatik. Teknologi GPS terkini digunakan untuk cerapan yang lebih jitu.
AlatGPS yang digunakan:
Topcon HR: 3 set
Trimble Net r9: 2 set
Date:13-15 March 2019
Location: MPHTJ, Melaka
On site experience will always can’t be similar as training. It’s a learning process.
Under a hot sun. Signal lost and running around searching drone’s signal were precious.
Date: 11-12 March 2019
Location: Sekolah Komputeran, UTM
Practical training on drone application for mapping.
Num of trainee: 5 (2nd Year students)
Site for training: Helipad, UTM
Cikgu yang terlebih excited. Sekian.
Date: 9/2/2019 (10.00 am)
Location: Hutan Bandar MBIP
Instrument: DJI PHANTOM 3 Standard.