Kesan hyper inflasi ke atas negara Zimbabwe

May be an image of money and text that says "RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE 1 demand ONE DOLLAR Bank Zimbabwe 1 HARARE 2007 AC 8277764 100000000000000 100000000000000 RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE promise ΑΑΑ ONE HUNDRED the-beare demand TRILLION DOLLARS Bank Zimbal 100000000000000 HARARE AA4463315"

Lihatlah kesan hyper inflasi ke atas negara Zimbabwe hanya beza setahun (2007 – 2008).

(Mak aih!, Sampai trilion note duit dia. Cuba bayangkan Kalaulah kita note duit RM 1 Trilion.Macam macam boleh kita beli atau terus bayar cash hutang negara bagi habis?)

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