UTM Blended Learning Reporting System 2023

In today’s rapidly evolving education landscape, blended learning has emerged as a powerful approach that combines the best of traditional teaching methods with the flexibility and innovation of online learning.

A new chapter in pedagogical innovation has dawned as Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) introduces the revamped Blended Learning Reporting System for 2023. This advancement is a tribute to the diligent UTM lecturers who have embraced active blended learning and are making a mark in the education landscape.

The gateway to this transformative endeavor can be found at https://caps.utm.my/caps/. This digital pathway opens doors to a realm where educators are duly acknowledged for their instrumental role in shaping active blended learning initiatives. As an academic staff, you may log in using your email and staff number.

New Interface of UTM Blended Learning Reporting System

The UTM Blended Learning Reporting System serves as a platform to present your contributions to active blended learning. To get your certificate for The Award of Excellence, you need to comply all the way up to blended level 5 in UTM@E-Learning. It is marked by the active index, course outline, resource, activity, and assessment that you set in the UTM@E-Learning. You may refer to the picture below.

For the Semester 20222023-2, I received two certificates for the Award of Excellence in recognition of my valuable contribution to both Sections 4 and 5 for the course of Electromagnetic Field Theory.

Anyway, just to let you know from this system, you also could find your previous certificates from the blended subject records throughout your career as a lecturer at UTM. You can refer to mine below.

I personally feel that the Award of Excellence signifies more than recognition; it symbolizes a dedication to progressive educational practices. It’s a badge of honor that academic staff can wear with pride, showcasing their commitment to nurturing cutting-edge learning environments. Additionally, it acts as a motivational catalyst, inspiring awardees to continuously explore new dimensions of teaching and learning.

Amid the ever-evolving academic landscape, the UTM Blended Learning Reporting System and the Award of Excellence stand as symbols of appreciation for academic staff who are shaping the future of education. Whether you’re an educator or an advocate of academic progress, the UTM Blended Learning Reporting System offers a platform to contribute to this educational journey.

Embrace the opportunity – you might just uncover new horizons of education excellence!

Supervisory Development Adventure: My AS102 Experience at CTLD

Hey there fellow academics and aspiring PhD supervisors!

Today, I’m super stoked to share my recent escapade at the Supervisory Development Program AS102, which went down at CTLD from 3rd to 5th July 2023. Trust me, this journey was nothing short of an academic rollercoaster, and I’m here to spill the beans about all the goodies I picked up during this intense crash course.

First things first, let me tell you, I was all nerves stepping into this program. The thought of being responsible for molding the minds of budding PhD students seemed both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. But hey, I put on my brave face and dove headfirst into this whirlwind adventure.

They covered everything from communication skills to fostering a supportive environment for our PhD candidates. It wasn’t just about being a know-it-all; it was about being a mentor, a guide, and a friend (well, a friendly friend, you get what I mean). We delved into the art of constructive feedback, and let me tell you, it’s not just about pointing out flaws; it’s about nurturing potential and helping students flourish.

The best part? Meeting like-minded colleagues from various fields. It was inspiring to see how we all shared the same passion for nurturing research and helping PhD students make their mark in the academic world. There were lively discussions, plenty of coffee breaks, and even a late-night karaoke session (where my rendition of “Bohemian Rhapsody” may or may not have made an appearance).

The program concluded with a heartfelt closing ceremony. We exchanged contact info and promised to stay in touch, forming a tight-knit network of future PhD supervisors. I left the CTLD feeling both enriched and motivated, ready to take on the challenge of guiding the next generation of scholars.

So, if you ever get the chance to embark on the AS102 Supervisory Development Program, don’t hesitate! It’s a wild ride, but one that will equip you with invaluable supervisory skills and a renewed sense of purpose. Here’s to fostering academic brilliance and turning PhD students into unstoppable forces of knowledge!

Until next time, keep learning, keep growing, and keep nurturing those brilliant minds! Cheers! 🎓🌟

Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE) Team Building 2023

On July 27, 2023, a momentous event took place at Le Grandeur Palm Resort, Senai—the inaugural FKE Team Building 2023. This program marked a significant milestone as it was the first of its kind since UTM Synergy 4.0, aiming to enhance teamwork, cooperation, and camaraderie among all staff members, including academic, professional, and administrative personnel of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE) and the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (JKBSK).

The image was taken from Media FKE

Throughout the event, various challenges and activities were undertaken to strengthen team bonds, face obstacles together, foster deeper connections, understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and learn to collaborate as a formidable team. The spirit of togetherness and cooperation cultivated during this program is expected to bring long-term benefits and excellence to FKE staff and UTM as a whole.

The FKE Team Building 2023 commenced with an air of enthusiasm and anticipation as participants gathered at Le Grandeur Palm Resort. The agenda was thoughtfully designed to encourage meaningful interactions among participants from diverse backgrounds and roles within the faculty and department. Everyone was assigned to mixed teams, encouraging them to collaborate with colleagues they may not have had the opportunity to work closely with before.

My team: Group 8 – Pink band

As the day progressed, the challenges became more intense, requiring each team to strategize, communicate effectively, and pool their collective talents to succeed. These activities were designed not only to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills but also to promote empathy and understanding among team members.

The FKE Team Building 2023 concluded with a heartfelt closing ceremony. Participants gathered in a hall for reflections on the day’s experiences. The bonds formed during the program were palpable, as participants expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to connect with colleagues on a deeper level.

Group Photo

The FKE Team Building 2023 was not just a one-day event; it was a catalyst for lasting change within the faculty and department. By instilling a strong sense of teamwork, cooperation, and camaraderie, this program is expected to yield tangible benefits in the form of improved collaboration, enhanced workplace morale, and increased productivity among the staff. As the spirit of togetherness and synergy continues to thrive within FKE and JKBSK, it will undoubtedly contribute to the overall success and excellence of UTM as an institution. The memories and lessons from this event will serve as a guiding light for future endeavors, ensuring a united and resilient team at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and beyond.

1 FKE 1 ❤️