

2019 – present             : Leader Tropical Map Resource Research Group, UTM.

Feb 2016 – 2018          : Postgraduate Program (Remote Sensing) Coordinator, UTM.

Feb 2015 – 2018          : Residential Fellow, College 9 & 10, UTM.

Jan 2014 – 2018          : Academic advisor for students of Geoinformation (intake 2014/2015), UTM.

Oct 2008 – 2009          : Residential Fellow, College of Tun Razak, UTM.

Oct 2007 – Sept 2008 : Residential Assistance Fellow, College of Tun Razak, UTM.


  1. Chairman of Geospatial Outreach Program, UTM 2016.
  2. Organizing Committee of the IEEE Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015.
  3. Organizing Committee of the Short Video Competition, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, UTM 2015.
  4. Organizing Committee of the 5th Malaysian Remote Sensing Society on Remote Sensing and GIS 2008.
  5. Organizing Committee of the National Coordinators’ Meeting: The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Multilateral Cooperative Research Programme (Coastal Marine Science) 2008.
  6. Organizing Committee of the International Workshop on Earth Observation Small Satellites for Remote Sensing Applications EOSS 2007.


  1. Chairman of 15th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC 2020).
  2. Organizing Committee of NASA Scientific Meeting 2019.