IWK Project – Waste Water Treatment using Algae

The system is for pilot test, our team is hired to evaluate the performance of the system. To look at the algae strain and how it can treat the waste water using the symbiosis relation between algae, bacteria, Co2 and Oxygen. The wheel rotation is very slow range between 0.5 to 1rpm. However the blower is run for 24 Hours to supply Co2 and O2 to the bacteria and algae with the nutrients available by the domestic waste water. The work shall starts from February 2025 for six months work. Our team is happy to contribute πŸ™‚ and help the community :-).


Assalamualaikum / Selamat Sejahtera / Good Day / こんにけは,

YBrs. Prof / Dr. / Mr. / Mdm.,

We are pleased to invite you to a sharing session on β€œThe Journey of Creating a Teaching Module: From Motivation to Outcomes” by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Pauziah bt Muhamad. This session will cover the insights of the journey, while leveraging the opportunity to author a book cum teaching module. The details as follow:

Date: 9th September 2024 (Monday)
Time: 11.00 AM – 12.00 PM
Online venue: https://utm.webex.com/utm/j.php?MTID=m69d01a0bc9b7acce3893842181b2da44

CPD point (functional) will be provided.

Thank you.