Analysis Service and Consultation Reporting For Proposed Roll Cage Protection Frame


Attention: Ir Dr. Pauziah Muhamad

Intelligent Dynamics & System iKOHZA
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
54100 Kuala Lumpur

1. To provide detailed roll crash simulation test to determine the strength and durability of the proposed roll cage protection frame when subjected to rolling crash at a given speed. The simulation shall also be to obtain the most optimum built, maximizing strength of the structure with the least density. The tests should reference to applicable standards of testing in the vehicle industry.

2. To provide reports detailing the strength of the frame design and possible improvement where applicable for example on welding points of the frame and bolting points to the vehicle chassis. The reports must be signed by a professional engineer

3. Inspect the single cab, design the bracing, seat design, final evaluation, fabricator and you to discuss if has difficulty doing the roll cage fitting to chasis, Mr Gam the fabricator boss at P/L 38, Lorong 7a Phase 1, Stage 4, Demak Laut Industrial Estate, 93050 Kuching

4. Come to Kuching for first visit of prototype and  again when the full prototype ready. On the day of inspection, your side prepare a short report on;

1) inspection of final prototype and meeting design spec.
2) installation meeting requirement of good engineering practise.

5. Meet the Gant chart by Sampling Company

6. DS shall invoice Samling for the utilization costs of the laboratory and analysis input time

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Image may contain: car and outdoor

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: people sitting

Image may contain: Pauziah Muhamad, selfie and closeup

Image may contain: 5 people, including Jebat Durhaka, people smiling, people sitting

Image may contain: 9 people, including Jebat Durhaka and Pauziah Muhamad, people smiling, people standing, shoes and outdoor

Done as customer satisfaction InsyaAllah