“How to Write” – On a Basic Research

Written by Internship student : NURATHILAH IZZREEN

On 2 September 2020, there were held one class for student industrial training under Dr. Umi Aisah and Dr. Ong Pei Ying regarding How to Write by Dr. Umi. The class only for one hour started at 9.30 in the morning until 10.30. The main objective of this class was to teach students how to apply the writing skills to their thesis, project, research, or something related to writing for the future.

            The basis for all types of writing was the same which are introduction, body, and conclusion. For the introduction, there was an explanation of what the writing about. While for the body, there were several sections which are literature review, methodology, result, and discussion. Last but not least, the conclusion for the overall of the paper or writing.

            The introduction or background study, it should be general information for the main topic of the writing and explain it further for the reader’s information. The explanations should be in flow and linking to each other. It is also the same as the body of the writing. For each paragraph, it should start with the opening that related to the main point of the writing and it needs to be explained further or elaborate more. Then, there should have pre-closing and sum up for the topics in that paragraph before entering the new topics. But, pre-closing not necessary which is almost the same as the sum up for that paragraph.

            Other than that, about an abstract which is the summary of the whole paper. In the abstract, there should have an introduction to the topic, problem statement, the objective which the general one, carry out work or method and conclusion. In this conclusion, it should be clear which we need to write the exact value of the result that been achieved. Then, there was one question from one of the industrial training students regarding the literature review on how to write the literature review for a project paper or research. Any information, theory, or method related to our thesis needs to include in the literature review.

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Analysis Service and Consultation Reporting For Proposed Roll Cage Protection Frame


Attention: Ir Dr. Pauziah Muhamad

Intelligent Dynamics & System iKOHZA
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
54100 Kuala Lumpur

1. To provide detailed roll crash simulation test to determine the strength and durability of the proposed roll cage protection frame when subjected to rolling crash at a given speed. The simulation shall also be to obtain the most optimum built, maximizing strength of the structure with the least density. The tests should reference to applicable standards of testing in the vehicle industry.

2. To provide reports detailing the strength of the frame design and possible improvement where applicable for example on welding points of the frame and bolting points to the vehicle chassis. The reports must be signed by a professional engineer

3. Inspect the single cab, design the bracing, seat design, final evaluation, fabricator and you to discuss if has difficulty doing the roll cage fitting to chasis, Mr Gam the fabricator boss at P/L 38, Lorong 7a Phase 1, Stage 4, Demak Laut Industrial Estate, 93050 Kuching

4. Come to Kuching for first visit of prototype and  again when the full prototype ready. On the day of inspection, your side prepare a short report on;

1) inspection of final prototype and meeting design spec.
2) installation meeting requirement of good engineering practise.

5. Meet the Gant chart by Sampling Company

6. DS shall invoice Samling for the utilization costs of the laboratory and analysis input time

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Image may contain: car and outdoor

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: people sitting

Image may contain: Pauziah Muhamad, selfie and closeup

Image may contain: 5 people, including Jebat Durhaka, people smiling, people sitting

Image may contain: 9 people, including Jebat Durhaka and Pauziah Muhamad, people smiling, people standing, shoes and outdoor

Done as customer satisfaction InsyaAllah




Sedikit penerangan berkenaan dengan penerbitan di jurnal

Syahrir bin zaini perkongsian

Sebahagian besar daripada pengajian PhD adalah berkaitan dengan publish artikel dalam journal. Kalau selesai bahagian ini, dah lega sangat.

ISI-journal adalah journal berindeks. Namun, ada lagi journal berindeks lain. Macam Scopus, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) dan MyCite.

Lain univerisiti lain syaratnya. Kemudian, bergantung kepada fakulti dan jabatan pula.

Bagi fakulti saya, syarat untuk bergraduasi ialah publish dua artikel dalam ISI-Journal. Tak kisah quartile apa. Kemudian, hantar tesis dan diikuti dengan viva tu.

ISI-Journal ada empat quartile, iaitu Q1, Q2, Q3 dan Q4. Disusun mengikut ranking. Q1 adalah 25% ranking pertama, diikuti oleh Q2, Q3 dan diakhiri dengan 25% ranking terakhir di bawah kategori Q4.

Sekarang, orang tengok kualiti sesuatu journal berdasarkan quartile. Dulu, orang tengok dekat impact factor. Jadi, high impact factor journal boleh dikatakan bersamaan dengan Q1 dan Q2 ISI-Journal.

Sebab tu research grant yang tertentu mensyaratkan researcher nya kena publish artikel dalam Q1 atau Q2 ISI-Journal. Alhamdulillah, saya tak terikat dengan syarat research grant ini. Rasa bebas sikit.

Nak publish satu artikel dalam Q4 ISI-Journal pun seksa sebenarnya. Sebab review process tu panjang. Kadang-kadang lebih setahun.

Peringkat pertama lagi dah mencabar. Kita sendiri kena cari ISI-Journal yang bersesuaian. Dari segi coverage nya.

Coverage ISI journal terbahagi kepada beberapa databases. Banyak sangat kalau nak disenaraikan di sini. Cukup saya bagi databases coverage yang diterima pakai sebagai syarat untuk bergraduasi kebanyakan universiti di Malaysia sahaja, iaitu:

1. Arts & Humanities Citation Index
2. Science Citation Index Expanded
3. Social Sciences Citation Index
4. Science Citation Index

Ada juga beberapa jenis coverage lain yang biasa kita jumpa, tapi tidak termasuk dalam kategori ISI-Journal yang diterima pakai untuk bergraduasi. Contohnya macam senarai ini:

1. Emerging Sources Citation Index
2. Biological Abstracts
4. Index Chemicus

Senarai penuh ada dalam laman web Master Journal List di link ini: http://mjl.clarivate.com/