50th Professorial Inaugural Lecture

Since the growth of the field of medicine through Ibnu Sina and his masterpiece Al-Qanun fit-Tibb (The Canon of Medicine), the health care system mainly comprised of the doctor, his education, and his "utility bag". This system changed at the turn of … [Continue reading]

I’m a Certified LSP Facilitator!

Had enough of attending conventional workshops? Had enough learning through slides? Loosing the knowledge soon after the workshops? Then why not try a powerful, innovative, effective workshops through a technique called the Lego Serious Play … [Continue reading]


Our new Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar, stepped in our humble MEDITEG lab in conjunction to his first visit to FBME. … [Continue reading]

Panggilan Haji 1433 Hijrah

Pintu utama Babus Salam di Masjid Nabawi menuju ke Maqam Rasulullah SAW. Diluar pintu King Abdul Aziz menuju tempat penginapan Muassasah Tabung Haji Maktab 95 Land Premium Hotel … [Continue reading]